Author Topic: Bronies  (Read 25688 times)

Chillax mang. Roll one, smoke one, life like this you're supposed to party.

the things that the op mentioned don't even happen regularly, maybe once a month lol

even then he's blowing things WAY out of proportion.

You guys act like it happens every single day. A common, nearly exclusive reason it's outside the megathread is because some new user doesn't know how overly sensitive people here are when it comes to ponies.

I can understand why you dislike ponies. I hate flamboyant forgettards as well. Still, there's no excuse for acting the way you do when pony content outside the thread is so rare and insignificant. Grow up.

Chillax mang. Roll one, smoke one, life like this you're supposed to party.
^^sad attempt at trolling, stop trying to ride stocking, you're doing it horribly wrong lol

^^sad attempt at trolling, stop trying to ride stocking, you're doing it horribly wrong lol
^so much this

are you expecting me to care about my rep in a forum with under 100,000 users and that's about a building game?
should i link to this topic in the my little pony topic?
clearly you do, or I doubt you'd have cared enough to make this topic
and you'd care even less about publicity lol

are you expecting me to care about my rep in a forum with under 100,000 users and that's about a building game?

of course not, you are way too cool for that!

i don't mind bronies to be honest.
i'd probably be one myself, but i wouldn't be able to catch up on the latest episode because i'd get bored quickly :(

I get pissed off when someone talks about it

Thank you badspot for deactivating the signature as well. I know you could not have foreseen this brony bandwagon, but if you had not removed the signature from showing, there would be pony stuff in every post.

What is this "signature"?

What is this "signature"?
Normally your signature is displayed under your posts, but badspot disabled that because it's pointless and stuff.

What is this "signature"?
In other forums below the users post you can see their signature from their profile.

Normally your signature is displayed under your posts, but badspot disabled that because it's pointless and stuff.

It should be re-enabled considering it's a brony forum and the bronies would like that.

I agree with OP, but he made it so dramatic, it's funny to me.

Normally your signature is displayed under your posts, but badspot disabled that because it's pointless and stuff.
In other forums below the users post you can see their signature from their profile.

Oh, right. I must've registered after it disappeared.

It should be re-enabled considering it's a brony forum and the bronies would like that.


Oh, right. I must've registered after it disappeared.
There is a thread out there where Badspot rages and talks about the "stuffty signature feature i can't disable it oh my loving god" or something. I think it was part of the thread where he got angry at everyone.


It's funny how you can hate bronies when you're furry and afflicted with asperger's.