Author Topic: Introuble, Please Help! :(  (Read 4558 times)

Hi, anyone familiar with the law? If so, please take the time to hear my case-thingy-mo-bob :o

In September at school I called this one guy out to fight, and he snitched on me so i got called in the office. I called him out for gang related reasons and he did state that to the officer and the principal. The principal told me that the only way I wouldnt get expelled is if I admitted to all the gang stuff on recording, and desperate to not get expelled, i did. I didnt get expelled for that but was arrested and charged with disturbing the peace by challenging to fight in public. I was put on informal probation and required to attend a violence prevention class and 10 hours of community service. Now fastforwarding to late november, I have two weeks to get my community service hours done and i turn in my recording sheet at the class on  the last day of my informal probation. but unfortunaly I got into a fight infront of everyone while on school grounds (started by me). So now while being on informal probation and while having gang terms, I was charged with Assault on school grounds. My court date is on the 17th and I'm kind of nervous because I really dont want to have to do jail time because since then I have changed my ways, moved out of the county and everything, I'm on the right path now. But I think I might not get so lucky with just probation or house-arrest or something. Can somebody give me a knowledgeable prediction of what I might be looking at? If you are just going to guess or something please don't waste your time. If you actually have knowledge about the law and legal issues please tell me what you think, thanks.

You're pretty dumb for starting fights in the first place if you ask me.

Jesus, you got arrested for real and then started another fight?

Dude, it's not gonna be good for you.

It would probably help to tell what country (+ state) you live in.

Wait a second, why did you pick the damn fights in the first place?

Wait a second, why did you pick the damn fights in the first place?
He was in a gang?

obviously have all your homies in the hood bust you out and take out any mofo that challenges your reign

obviously have all your homies in the hood bust you out and take out any mofo that challenges your reign
im not looking for an action plan I'm looking for very possible punishments that the judge might give me in court. Nice try though. Even if I were to do that I got a new phone and no longer have Riddlers number

Riddlers number
Is that a reference to the freedom writers or something?

I don't know how you being 16 affects the penalty but 50 seconds of Googling:

I don't know how you being 16 affects the penalty but 50 seconds of Googling:
Despite your first post, thank you for helping me. I don't recall mentioning my age but I'm glad you looked that up as well since being a minor hopefully means a somewhat less severe of a punishment than an adult would receive right? BUT, what do you think my sentencing might be with the added fact that I was on informal probation and well idk if I'm a registered gang member but I did admit to being in a gang and stuff on tape and even if that's all been put in the past now it still is probly workin against me>.< do you guys think I'm going to do juve time? If so (which I'm praying I don't), how long do you think I would be in for?

You're going down for life dude.

But yeah seriously, since you're a minor you'll probably get a less severe punishment, don't really know anything else.

In September at school I called this one guy out to fight
I got into a fight infront of everyone while on school grounds (started by me).

You picked another fight after all that happened? I understand being dragged into a fight, but if you're deliberately starting them, even after getting arrested; then you're a special kind of stupid...

If you start a fight in my school, you would get detention and even an unlikely suspension.