
If you could control the average BL user/forumer's age, how old would they be?

I stand neutral on the matter.
I hate all age groups collectively. ♥

Author Topic: Poll & Why: user age  (Read 3676 times)

Hardly, the people that bitch the most in drama are all well past that.
Yeah, but usually they're just people who keep it going because they like to watch the world burn. I still feel like if the average age shifted up by 3 years there would be less drama created and less of a huge response to drama.

I guess that is true, you might be removing the platform for them if the younger players weren't making useless drama and weren't there to be preyed on at all.

This is the internet. Your age, race and appearance in general doesn't matter; all I care about is your merit.

>12 y/o tries making account
>sorry you have to be at least 15
>change age to 15
In the internet everything is passable~

>12 y/o tries making account
>sorry you have to be at least 15
>change age to 15
In the internet everything is passable~

Well, the question isn't is what should the minimum age be. You're right, there can't be a minimum age. There can, however, be an average. This is what the question is asking for.

0 to 100.

You have to let the kids who ain't born yet play too.
And old people who are creepy and stalk everyone.
Its what makes the community

I would prefer 13+, since I get tired of more immature members on the Forums and in-game.
But, then I think back 5~ years ago and realise I was just turned 13 when I joined, and I was immature too. There are old posts of mine that I cringe about. And I made a fool of myself in front of members who I now know better, and I question if they remember my stupidity.

I'm happy for all ages to be here. Everyone deserves a chance. Some waste theirs, but that's the fault of their character, not their age.

And I have no problem with older members. I'll be 18 this Summer, myself, and I'll likely still be popping on here still. Older members have just as much chance of being compelte richard heads as any younger members too.

There might be some correlation between age and maturity, but it's not set in stone. There will be perfectly good members who are young (A number of members I've come to like and respect turned out to be rather young, to my surprise) and there will be older members who are wastes of space.
I can't limit one age-group to being present here, since I'll be kicking out good and bad people whichever way I choose.

Typical Blockland age conversations
5-12= hwo i play?
13-17= snake! :3

18-30= I can be an starfish and a nice guy guy depending on my mood, and the friendry of OP.
I didn't notice I was eighteen.

Not all twelve year olds are immature, I'm twelve for instance.

if you have a community of mostly young people you're going to have the warriors forum
if you have a community of mostly older people then uh
actually i have no idea i've never seen a community that has mostly older people

I would prefer 13+, since I get tired of more immature members on the Forums and in-game.
But, then I think back 5~ years ago and realise I was just turned 13 when I joined, and I was immature too. There are old posts of mine that I cringe about. And I made a fool of myself in front of members who I now know better, and I question if they remember my stupidity.

I'm happy for all ages to be here. Everyone deserves a chance. Some waste theirs, but that's the fault of their character, not their age.

And I have no problem with older members. I'll be 18 this Summer, myself, and I'll likely still be popping on here still. Older members have just as much chance of being compelte richard heads as any younger members too.

There might be some correlation between age and maturity, but it's not set in stone. There will be perfectly good members who are young (A number of members I've come to like and respect turned out to be rather young, to my surprise) and there will be older members who are wastes of space.
I can't limit one age-group to being present here, since I'll be kicking out good and bad people whichever way I choose.

Just in case Mr. Dooble gets pageloss, I want to say that he's definitely a cool person.

I don't like the idea of an age limit, but a maturity limit. Consider the fact that ChappersTeddy is 9 and mature, and that MrMcCakey is 12 and mature.

There is no other accurate way to determine the maturity of someone over the internet besides observing their behavior, though.

Consider the fact that ChappersTeddy is 9 and mature,

Are you on drugs today Axo?