
Poll • Military Weapons

Keep the military weapons to intensify and create chaotic combat.
Cut down on military weapons to keep realism and make finding guns very serious.

Author Topic: DayB • 1/14/14  (Read 101332 times)

Lol, Derr, you poor thing, the terrain generator...

Lol, Derr, you poor thing, the terrain generator...
There is no terrain generator, the Polish joke with the word generator was an inside joke between Skelesys and I.

Can you build in DayB?
We have plans for building of barbed wire, sandbags, etc.

edit: errors
« Last Edit: March 22, 2013, 10:55:20 AM by Derroith »

Can you add another type of clothing; naked

Lol jk, cant. wait. until. this. is. up. every. other. server. seems. gey.


I hope development will start going again :(.

I hope development will start going again :(.
Well we're currently in a sort of halt, so we can't do much due to computer problems. Ipquarx is still doing stuff, I wish I could've shared the save with one of my builders.

We have plans for building of barbed wire, sandbags, etc.
Yeah, but you can already do that in DayZ. What's the point of porting DayZ to Blockland if you won't use the one thing Blockland offers? (Building)

Yeah, but you can already do that in DayZ. What's the point of porting DayZ to Blockland if you won't use the one thing Blockland offers? (Building)
Building could be introduced, in the ways you seem to be saying. But first of all, it'd be a bit odd to see people building little homes in a zombie charred wasteland. The other thing would be that some builds would be god awful, and the idea of getting the supplies would be strange too.

We'll leave it to a limited sort of building, just so things don't get out of hand or anything.

Building could be introduced, in the ways you seem to be saying. But first of all, it'd be a bit odd to see people building little homes in a zombie charred wasteland. The other thing would be that some builds would be god awful, and the idea of getting the supplies would be strange too.

We'll leave it to a limited sort of building, just so things don't get out of hand or anything.
Maybe making temp. builds like... Fires, Tents, Logs, and ETC

Got that progress you wanted.

(Click for larger images)
« Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 10:33:29 PM by Khain »

Weapons look a little out of proportion, like the shotgun..
but at least they're to the same style as each other.

Weapons look a little out of proportion, like the shotgun..
but at least they're to the same style as each other.
yeah i didn't scale them properly yet, but the pistols are scaled, the shotgun is not, but u already noticed that, g17 also needs proper scaling

These new guns you posted are amazing, I love them, but yes a teeny bit of scaling is needed. I love them!

I love the simple style. Official blockland guns stylish.

thx guys i lov good feedback directed at me thx