
Coolest playable race?


Author Topic: Starbound Megathread - Version 1.3.2  (Read 786243 times)

I love the conversations thing because it's usually a slow conversation drawn out over a day or two.

Aren't you the one who didn't reply to me for almost two weeks? And the shortest ammount of time it took you to reply was almost a day? And you're getting mad because I didn't answer you back in a day?:P

If I had Minecraft, we could've RP'ed on that stuff all day.


[19:49] <navar0nius> mollygos, can you post a pic of the ship select screen?
[19:49] <@mollygos> ship select screen? o_O
[19:49] <navar0nius> or whatever it is that changes the ships structure
[19:49] <Caidoz13> i dont think there's a ship select screen
[19:49] <Caidoz13> you just get whatever ship is for your race
[19:49] <@mollygos> there isn't one yet haha
[19:49] <@mollygos> like
[19:49] <@mollygos> you get a ship based on your race, and you can upgrade it
[19:49] <@mollygos> and it expands
[19:49] <@mollygos> you don't select it :P
[19:50] <Caidoz13> i'm super curious about the ships other races have

[19:51] <navar0nius> mollygos mollygos! can we then have a pic of the "doomed homeplanet" cutscene thing?
[19:51] <Caidoz13> nooo
[19:51] <navar0nius> if it's implemented
[19:51] <Caidoz13> no plot spoilers :[
[19:51] <@mollygos> we're not going to spoil everything before the game is out
[19:51] <@mollygos> :P
[19:51] <SouDescolado> mollygos: but you have to spoil little things
[19:51] <SouDescolado> or
[19:51] <Caidoz13> can you spoil another ship design? >:3
[19:51] <SouDescolado> well
[19:51] <SpaceySalad_> I think im getting warmy
[19:51] <SouDescolado> not have
[19:52] <SouDescolado> you are not forced to act against your own will
[19:52] <SouDescolado> ...yet
[19:52] <@mollygos> i dunno what i'm allowed to spoil!
[19:52] <@mollygos> i just
[19:52] <@mollygos> take screenshots and say
[19:52] <Caidoz13> you should have a list
[19:52] <Caidoz13> lol
[19:52] <@mollygos> and he goes
[19:52] <@mollygos> NO FATTY
[19:52] <@mollygos> and then i cry :(

[19:52] <navar0nius> does the game have quests yet?
[19:53] <@mollygos> the quests aren't actually implemented, no

[19:53] <navar0nius> also
[19:53] <navar0nius> molly.
[19:53] <navar0nius> if the Glitch are robots
[19:54] <navar0nius> why are there brain options in the chargen
[19:54] <@mollygos> because
[19:54] <@mollygos> because because because because becaaaaaaause

[20:01] <navar0nius> mollygos, can you give us a pic of the crafting inteface, if any?
[20:01] <navar0nius> provided tiyuri doesn't call you fat
[20:02] <Isamukai> Molly isn't fat
[20:02] <Isamukai> She's fluffy :c
[20:02] <navar0nius> yes she is
[20:02] <navar0nius> and very cuddly too
[20:03] <navar0nius> it's just that tiyuri is a total douche sometimes
[20:03] == Rho_ [Rho@] has joined #starbound
[20:03] == Rho_ [Rho@] has quit [Changing host]
[20:03] == Rho_ [Rho@unaffiliated/rh0] has joined #starbound
[20:03] == mode/#starbound [+v Rho_] by ChanServ
[20:03] <@Tiy> I am? :(
[20:03] <Isamukai> Rho_!
[20:03] <Isamukai> Hi Tiy
[20:03] <Isamukai> How's your sleep been
[20:03] * Rho_ dropkicks Tiy and runs off
[20:03] <@Tiy> what the
[20:03] <navar0nius> lol
« Last Edit: March 13, 2013, 12:10:31 PM by Cybertails1998 »

yeah okay so astroentrepreneur s has like no structure behind it and it's a dumb idea in the first place
maybe it would work as a joke, but frankly i think the people that would actually put work into a clan here would not like to make a clan called astroentrepreneur s

and if comr4de wants ares he can making it himself ahdhags

i'll probably make starblock the name of a blocklanders only group that plays starbound together and not an actual clan so that was removed

so igar and ban are being argued for because who is going to make it?
or are we arguing for which one will be the official originating-from-blockland clan?

[20:05] <@Tiy> http://ft.trillian.im/125bc213b885d06bbc1282b180f732308a3667e2/6f5JLmhsbhlhNP0oZuxdtjySA69cj.jpg
[20:05] <@Tiy> crafting looks something like this

you guys need to IRC more often
I also made a topic on SBF
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 04:37:41 AM by Cybertails1998 »

yeah okay so astroentrepreneur s has like no structure behind it and it's a dumb idea in the first place


fancypants why must you break his heart

Oh boy, dat pic. Niiiice.

thought you (shadowed) were against it too
i thought you were sensible >:C

thought you (shadowed) were against it too
i thought you were sensible >:C
No, I wasn't serious about it lol.  I'm fine with Igar or Ares.

[20:43] <Blackleaf> By the way Tiy. Does games world(galaxy/universe.) have some sort of shape?
[20:43] <Blackleaf> Like the galaxy in spore
[20:43] <Blackleaf> Wich had the center of the universe as a special area
[20:43] <@Tiy> its shaped like chicken wing
[20:44] <TFGoose> ^
[20:44] <Caidoz13> i'm ok with that

wtf irc

FancyPants is already taken
say /nickserv FancyPants [password] to confirm your account
okay so i switch to BLFancyPants
sorry this account is not registered

what the forget

/nickserv BLFancyPants password

i set a password, and that's what told me i wasn't registered.

[21:13] <@mollygos> we've got a monsterbox.exe
[21:13] <@mollygos> >:D
[21:14] <navar0nius> can i have it
[21:14] <@mollygos> nope
[21:14] <navar0nius> ;-;
[21:14] <navar0nius> pweeese
[21:14] <TFGoose> A hopeless, if direct approach
[21:14] <@mollygos> ^