Author Topic: Global Thermonuclear Warfare  (Read 11692 times)

Whoa dude calm think happy thoughts can i be OASU Coz it's empty
Isn't it a little late? I don't think Wedge will want people joining at this stage in the game.

kk not really bothered i came late my fault no-one elses

AAT- fattysnacks Health- 0
AM-  dUMBELLS Health- 6
AIU- (none) Health- 0
CIS- Snackbar Health- 6
EA- |Shadow Health- 2
AI- (none) Health- 0
MU- Spation Health- 6
MEF- Colten Health- 0
NAFTA- Shocklink Health- 0
OASU- (none) Health- 0
FN- Wedge Health- N/A

These are the new health amounts. If you are dead and want to suggest an event, PM me.

BBC Headlines

UN Building Lies in Ruins
Wall-Street Closes Forever
BBC now world's primary news source
Humanitarian Aid to Africa deemed "A waste of effort"
Europe Spared Nuclear Holocaust; Liquid Natural Gas Tanker Detonation Levels City; Terrorist Plot?
Middle East Designated a do-not-fly zone; Radiation found to short out aircraft instruments
Nuclear Missile Self-destructs in South America; Losses to Pharmaceutical Industry total in Billions; Price of Cancer Suppressant-Drugs Skyrocket
Russia is now the sole controller of all the world's remaining oil

Yuki has finished secret construction of his Railgun Sattelite on Ceres.

BBC News reporter: oMFG the world is in complete dissaray HELP!!!!!

Meteor Channeled, entering Railgun stasis 1.

lol, i realized that Shadow betrayed me..... last time i trust you.

lol, i realized that Shadow betrayed me..... last time i trust you.
me 2

Yuki's rail-gun spontaneously explodes. This splits the satellite in half, which in turn crashes into the Earth, splitting the Earth in half. Everyone loses. Just kidding.

Yuki's rail-gun spontaneously explodes. This splits the satellite in half, which in turn crashes into the Earth, splitting the Earth in half. Everyone loses. Just kidding.

so this game is over?.....

wow, wat a succesful fail...

Yuki's rail-gun spontaneously explodes. This splits the satellite in half, which in turn crashes into the Earth, splitting the Earth in half. Everyone loses. Just kidding.

In a strange series of events, the war seems to be slowing down. Perhaps the last nations are sizing each other up, making strategies, planning who they are going to take out next, trying to ensure their survival and the elimination of their enemies...

Yuki's rail-gun spontaneously explodes. This splits the satellite in half, which in turn crashes into the Earth, splitting the Earth in half. Everyone loses. Just kidding.
Howd you edit my quote!

I didn't edit your quote, that was always there. :cookieMonster: