Author Topic: Dear, Badspot - Go forget yourself.  (Read 39016 times)

When he's not flaming, or posting research, he seems to be a pretty cool guy.
when ted bundy isn't murdering people he's probably

when ted bundy isn't murdering people he's probably
when Josef Stalin wasn't killing millions of people he's was probably

You'd have to be a loving idiot to give Glass another chance. He's easily somewhere high up in the top ten most undeniably stuffty people this community has seen in years. He's even aware of it. He never denies being a cunt, he just looks over the dozens of variations of "go forget yourself" he's getting (e.g. no life, autistic, ect.) and argues against a particularly flawed one.

I would also like to inform people about Glass's apparent "giveaway" of keys he posted about.
I hate to burst your bubbles guys, but this is all simply a fake, I didn't come up with the idea of this, Glass did, we were in a skype call and he said clearly, "I'm going to start a Key giveaway, and start a major stuffstorm." somewhere along the lines. I was in the same exact skype call with some other forumers. The keys he would give you would probably be the revoked keys Badspot revoked.
This is just a scam, you won't actually get a key.
Please to let you know, I am in no way a part of this, had no intention on doing this, ect.

when Josef Stalin wasn't killing millions of people he's was probably
when The Kim Jong family wasn't killing millions of people and stuffting on human rights They were probably

when The Kim Jong family wasn't killing millions of people and stuffting on human rights They were probably

okay that's enough

I would also like to inform people about Glass's apparent "giveaway" of keys he posted about.
You were left out, we wanted to see if we could trust you (considering you were being a little bitch on the call and to me). So I messaged everyone else in the call saying i'm going to test Maxx, you can ask anyone.

You were left out, we wanted to see if we could trust you (considering you were being a little bitch on the call and to me). So I messaged everyone else in the call saying i'm going to test Maxx, you can ask anyone.

Profanity solves everything!

I find it hilarious that Glass shoves as many forgets and stuffs as he can into his sentences just to get his point across.

Gone for two weeks and I missed this!

damn Badspot

L O D S  OF  E M O N E

You were left out, we wanted to see if we could trust you (considering you were being a little bitch on the call and to me). So I messaged everyone else in the call saying i'm going to test Maxx, you can ask anyone.
I hope this is bannable.

the topic was deleted lol

Ever heard the saying, everyone got big balls on the internet?

So what you are saying is, you're a pusillanimous individual in real life. Good to know.