Author Topic: I don't understand roman numerals.  (Read 1409 times)

I'm dumb


XL = 50 - 10 = 40
IX = 10 - 1 = 9
XLIX = 49

the longest number is 3888, which is MMMDCCCLXXXVIII
afaik the largest possible number is 3999, because 4000 is impossible as there is no numeral for 5000
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 10:56:11 AM by Tudoreleuu »

there is no numeral for 5000

A V with a line above it is 5000.

afaik the largest possible number is 3999
According to wikipedia, CCCIƆƆƆƆƆƆ = 150,000 so clearly 3999 is not the largest possible number

"The subtractive principle (a subtrahend preceding a minuend) may apply:

Only to a numeral (the subtrahend) that is a power of ten (I, X or C).
For example, "VL" is not a valid representation of 45 (XLV is correct)."

Star Wars taught me.
Star Wars taught me about bad and good video game design.

why does this exist
why couldn't they just use numbers, it's so much easier

Because arabic numerals are arabic.

also tradition

i understand roman numerals perfectly once and could use them almost like decimal numbers

i forgot everything

I like them.
They make me feel fancy and intelligent when I know them.

Very simple. If a smaller number is before a larger number, you subtract the smaller from the larger, like so:



if not, you just add


the hardest part is just memorizing what letter corresponds to what number, but It's easy for me so..