Author Topic: Update about the starfish who I used to call my friend  (Read 4520 times)

antique means its old, collectable, and name brand. if its missing any of the 3 things its just junk.
it doesn't have to be name brand to be antique
old and collectible are the only requirements

then why do antique shops only have things that fit all 3 requirements.
no one is giving a crap about any random old stuff lol.

then why do antique shops only have things that fit all 3 requirements.
no one is giving a crap about any random old stuff lol.
"any random old stuff" isn't collectible...

I used to collect turtle shells but I lost the collection. I had 2 large top shells, 1 large full top+bottom shell, 1 bottom shell, 1 small shell.

All of them were gutted and given to me, I seen one of them get gutted. He tore its heart out and tossed it in the pond.

"any random old stuff" isn't collectible...

exactly, thats why i said it wouldnt be antique...

exactly, thats why i said it wouldnt be antique...
being collectible and old are all it takes to be antique
many non-name-brand things are collectible

We have an antique tricycle everyone keeps wanting to buy, I'll try to get a pic (in other words I will probably never get around to it and just forget)

I don't understand why people keep friends like these, then bitch and complain about them, then defend them. I know more than a couple of people who do this and it just blows my mind. I don't associate with starfishs like this forgeter, and if I come to find someone I know acts this way, I tell them to forget off. You've grown affectionate toward a cancerous tumor, is it so hard to cut it off? I know it's no problem for me, at least.

that sucks, you might wanna reconsider friendship with him if he's a richardwad

Just, don't hang out with him.

Rape his cat and kill him.