Author Topic: Just wondering, why is everyone against the Gun Control bill?  (Read 4616 times)

you should specify "against criminals with machine guns"

a group of criminals with handguns could still overpower you if all you had was a pistol.

a group of criminals with handguns could still overpower you if all you had was a pistol.
People have survived situations with groups of criminals with handguns. Because they had a gun. Don't act like you know the outcomes. Sure, it's a high "not going to survive" rate. But it's been done.

Because if they ban guns, then the only people with guns will be the criminals, and then nobody would have any thing to use as self-defense.

Also, you cannot own a automatic rifle without a super high license that costs a stuff load.

Basically what Bisjac said, most Americans are diagnosed with either add/adhd, bi polar or depression. If you want to ban people from certain rights. You just need to ban "crazy" people. If you start to diagnose people with extremely vague and common "diseases" then that's the way to go.

It seems to be that such "diseases" such as ADD/ADHD and depression are used as an excuse for anything or is prescribed to anyone that says they sometimes can't think straight.

We have the right to bear arms. If they can take away this right, they can take away more.

That was added because of the british troops in the 1700s. Not to kill everyone you see

a group of criminals with handguns could still overpower you if all you had was a pistol.
And they'd definitely overpower you if you had nothing at all, idiot.

Easily the most prominent argument for people favoring gun control starts with "Nobody needs..."
Well, you don't need a home, you don't need a car, you don't need a well paying job, you don't need an activity to have fun either now do you.
We should just ban those too because nobody needs them, right?

i dont have a family to protect. but i have immense wealth hidden in my home. (my savings will not be in a bank)
granted, i am careful how i transport my gold/silver and i am careful who i broker with; but i gotta be ready for more then 1 burglar at any time.

that bullstuff about possessions not being important is what poor people claim. your entire livelihood depends on wealth in the real world. and its nearly as valuable as my life.
a person cant be expected to just be happy he survived and start all over fresh every time people wanna be criminals. a guys gotta protect himself.
a stuffty handgun dosnt even come close to whats necessary for my household.

well prohibition worked out real well didn't it?


Bisjac you need to bury your stuff in a chest somewhere in case your house ever burns down

Bisjac you need to bury your stuff in a chest somewhere in case your house ever burns down

well its a hidden safe, bolted to the house, and fire and water proof lol. there is 100% chance of it not being stolen.
but people who enter to look for things are still dangerous

i even got a decoy safe filled with pennies ;D
i keep it in the living area easy to find lol. for the luls. at least if they are "successful" they didnt take anything really

That was added because of the british troops in the 1700s. Not to kill everyone you see
Or maybe people just want to protect themselves from more than british soldiers???????

Nobody should be allowed to have an assault weapon.

Hunting weapons are perfectly fine though.

Nobody should be allowed to have an assault weapon.

Hunting weapons are perfectly fine though.

whats an assault weapon?