

Greenwood Bandits
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Author Topic: WinterBite Ch3: Strongholds Bloody Course [RP] [CH3 Started!!!]  (Read 211835 times)

It dooesn't have hosting right now. It'll take one week.
A week? OK then...

something was off and i just realized what it was about the poster.

nothing of it all relates to the cold, or anything that could be associated with frost, bites, or even frostbites

Little did you know, the entire border is actually skin suffering from intense frostbite.

Here goes nothing!!

In Game Name : Leidoffon

Blockland ID : 44580

Have you read the rules and storyline? : Yes, I have.

What roleplay experience do you have : I got introduced into a roleplaying community by a friend, and participated in a few on Garry's Mod. While I don't want to say I'm experienced with roleplaying, I have dabbled with writing in my spare time if that counts.

IC Information-

Character Name : Samuel Arthur Bigby

Characters age : 47

Gender : Male

Future Ambitions : Mainly peace and quiet. The apocalypse has brought a lot of noise and confusion. Due to leading a humble life previously, Samuel yearns for things to return to a simpler time.

Skills : Minor firearm training, general first-aid knowledge and mechanical engineering experience.
Characters Appearance :

Characters biography/back-story:
Hardly any sort of special person, Samuel was an office worker for an automobile manufacturing company, living a mundane live. Being alone, he found solitude to be best suiting for a meager man such as himself. He spent his spare time fixing up cars, and doing a lot of reading. Samuel came from a troubled household with an alcoholic mother and a careless father. Being the only child, many responsibilities were pushed on him at an early age, and he never had much of a childhood to speak of. After getting out of the house, he found the world to be unforgiving, spending three years homeless until he landed a job in a fast food joint and saved up enough money to find a place to live. While slowly working his way up the food chain and establishing a relationship with his father, it all came crashing down when he recieved word that his father was hit and critically wounded by a driver who fell asleep at the wheel. Dedicating most of his personal funds and time to his comatose father, Samuel quickly spiraled into a deep depression, leading to him quitting his job. After years of alcohol-fueled wallowing, Samuel is told his father passed away, and left him a sizeable amount of money. Using the inherited money, Samuel pulled himself out of depression and went to college, where he spent eight years of his life. After graduation, Samuel went to work for the automobile manufacturing company, where he spent his time up until the Day of Insanity.

September 18th, 2012, Samuel watches a news channel detailing cannibalistic attacks around the country with speculation of some sort of disease outbreak. Blowing it off as a sensationalized headline, he returned to his life for a couple of weeks until the news gradually grows grimmer as time passes. This goes on for days, as coworkers were becoming increasingly paranoid and cautious, and extreme health precautions made living conditions harder. Samuel, losing sleep and focus on his life, realizes that what's going on around them isn't exactly being blown out of proportion, and on September 25th, 2012, he comes face to face with an infected individual. While commuting on a subway train, a sickly woman attacked a bystander, ripping his throat out. In the heat of the moment, he made his way to the front of the cars while others try to fend of the crazed woman. After the subway train was forced to make an emergency stop, Samuel and a few others take off to safety, being led by an off-duty police officer. Together, they made their way towards some sort of safe zone.

Enduring attacks by infected individuals, tensions between fellow survivors and dwindling supplies, Samuel and his group made their way to Alaska, finding no luck with any northern towns. After a horde of infected started tearing through the cobbled-together survivor camp they had, the remaining few staggered out into the wilderness to find some sort of bearings before they froze to death. Currently, Samuel has made his way to the Greenwood Station alone, after grueling several months of traveling with a group, he split off on his own after hearing about the exploits of a survivor camp nearby. Poorly equipped and half-starved, Samuel hopes he can at least settle for a bit before having to travel again.

What faction do you hope to join?: Either the bandits or the republic.

So, Will the Frostbite D/L link be avaliable as soon as the server goes up?

So, Will the Frostbite D/L link be avaliable as soon as the server goes up?

Frostbitten will be available for download when FB itself is available. Alphadin is getting close to the final thing so me and Xolerate worked on a little ~reveal~ until then.

Winter Bite Face Pack - Version 3

  • Added new straight emotions for all face variations
  • Added new versions of the male glasses w/ standard eye sizes
  • Straightened eyebrows on elderly-female face

Download the face-pack here!
« Last Edit: March 07, 2014, 11:26:23 AM by Theportalmaster »

also added new face pack w/ frowny faces; link on OP. Probably broke something so go check for me. (found bug will fix)

Face pack works fine for me

Interesting to note, Frostbite happens in 5 minutes when it's negative 45 degrees out with 60 mph winds.
Lucky me, it's spring time in Texas, although it sure as hell doesn't feel that way.

I actually might give this server another go...

Winter Bite Face Pack - Version 3.1

  • Fixed thumbnail for "KleinerfSmiley"
  • Added straight emotion for default male smiley

Download the face-pack here!

Interesting to note, Frostbite happens in 5 minutes when it's negative 45 degrees out with 60 mph winds.
Lucky me, it's spring time in Texas, although it sure as hell doesn't feel that way.
Texas weather doesn't know what to do with it's self right now. First it's hot, and then it drops to loving 26F degrees. Next week the smallest low is 42F, so it's gradually getting warmer.

Ohhhhhh, What part of texas Alph?

Frostbite happens in 5 minutes when it's negative 45 degrees out with 60 mph winds.

« Last Edit: March 07, 2014, 07:41:12 PM by Snick0rz »

Frostbite happens in 5 minutes when it's negative 45 degrees out with 60 mph winds.

There is a deep meaning behind this and I don't know what it is. Help.

edit: ok mysterious avatar change. Someone please help me crack this I really have no clue :(
« Last Edit: March 07, 2014, 07:44:27 PM by Theportalmaster »