Author Topic: spencer2015 - omg creeps in blockland it's the end of the world!!!!  (Read 6935 times)

he's just handicapped
trolls literally try to act like they don't know what they're talking about

spencer called badspot a prick and later in the thread he called him a rational person that supports him lol

he'd have to be an amazing troll to do that
plus he has a history of being a dumbass but not in a trollish way or pattern sort of thing
i completely doubt he's a real/intentional troll

he'd have to be an amazing troll to do that
plus he has a history of being a dumbass but not in a trollish way or pattern sort of thing
i completely doubt he's a real/intentional troll

He spoke about how he was going to purchase an AK-47 and shoot cats with it when I met him in-game, I think he's a troll.

This may be irrelevant, but

He is also spamming the RTB server chat due to anger. He calls it his 'topic', says he will 'lock it' and also is going to buy another key so he can 'make the forums pay'.
Oh gosh I saw that

wow says he hates haters and respects bronies and what not ,here
And Then in the topic here makes fun of bronies.... ok that made no sense to me

he'd have to be an amazing troll to do that
plus he has a history of being a dumbass but not in a trollish way or pattern sort of thing
i completely doubt he's a real/intentional troll
newsflash: you don't know if he's trolling.

just ignore the handicaps.

Spencer should really know creeps have been in blockland since the retail came out.

"BL Forum friend"
I'm suspicious that he came from another came to troll us and rant about Bronies.

This guy is on my nerves. He recently posted a drama on the wrong board about some person being a child enthusiast. Little to no proof in the pictures in addition to "i can't get more proof because i had to go on another key to get back to the server" backs up the topic's stupidity.

He also responded to the wrong section comments with "ill just wait for this to be moved". Thanks for making the admin's jobs harder, starfish.

He's obviously new to the game, probably didn't know the chat was saved outside of the actual server, and waiting for Badspot to move the topic does not make him an starfish, I doubt moving a topic is hard on Badspot in the least.

Snow2 predictabley responded with a joke about spencer's avatar, two people responded with the joke, then he got pissed off and said "this is not to be joked about sick forgets". Excuse me? Snow started something irrevelant to the topic. If you think that snow's avatar joke crap like that has a connection to creeps, you have to be stupid or something.

What proof do you have that he is speaking in regard to the avatar?, it looks more like he was replying to the replys to the actual avatar post, and even if he was, hes new to the forums, and probably assumed you were joking about the main post.

Plus; Snow2's post was nothing but tribal.

In the end, spencer locked the drama with a rule-breaking comment. Oh yeah, don't expect quotes or anything, he likes to lock topics at light speed. Also, he has a history of idioticy; just look at his posts.

He did not break a rule, spencer was responding to a comment left by another user on his topic; stating he did not fill out his age field, and that the user should not care.

Noedit; but you complain about him not moving his post, and then later in your own post you complain about him locking the topic.

I'm waiting for him to post some stuff about how lil wayne is his brother

I'm waiting for him to post some stuff about how lil wayne is his brother

But he's banned. :u