Author Topic: I need some good builders to help me on this project  (Read 583 times)

We can start tomorrow and I have an RTB server for it, but here's the idea I wanted to put into bricks.

This is kind of CSS - esque. I was thinking Self Delete bombers vs. defense. Here's how it works.

The bombers have -
3 lives
3 classes: SMG, shotgun or sniper
always an impact grenade

The defense have -
infinite lives
3 classes: same as bombers only better weapons
always 3 frags

the aim of the game is for the bombers to get into the defender's base and click on a brick that will explode their base, and they will win.

If the enforcers take the 3 lives each bomber has then they win.

Anyone willing to help, send me a message on RTB, my ID is 18947 and my IGN is Brotatoe.

Current builders:
« Last Edit: May 15, 2013, 07:36:42 PM by hodototman »

ill help.

dont give the one team unlimited lives and the other team 3... thats totally unfair

ill help.

dont give the one team unlimited lives and the other team 3... thats totally unfair

It's supposed to be more or less difficult for the bombers, their goal is fairly easy to just click on a brick in the other building. You could accomplish this without firing a single bullet.

Alright, cool. I'll add you to the OP. You'll be good for the bases.

BTW You can join the server now.

« Last Edit: May 14, 2013, 10:43:29 PM by hodototman »

cnai join pls i do gud ting

actually, if you're doing a sort of limited spot system, count me in but kick me out if someone else wants in because i might not be on tomorrow.

sure i can help build.

Builder list isn't limited, aromania. You can jump in at any time.

okay thekid. Contact me on RTB please.

I can if you can get over your grudge