
Tv Commercial for Blockland?

57 (47.5%)
63 (52.5%)

Total Members Voted: 120

Author Topic: Blockland needs a tv commercial  (Read 5491 times)

I think getting reviews on YouTube* would be a lot more handy.
Usually people looking for reviews are actually people who don't look at a box on any website (ads) or toddlers looking at TV, it's usually about the communities that look into reviews to actually see what the forget can you do in a game, and opinions about it.
A review would be the best ratio for smarter users because people who look at reviews know what they are doing in general. No sane person would look at reviews for a thing, they would just go look at screenshots, the webpage, or see what's in the ads. Reviews will bring more attention towards the game in a more user-friendly fashion for people who look around to get more information of things, instead of randomly popping out ads that appear to everyone.
*When I am talking about review I am not necessarily talking about an YouTube video, it could also be a review by a game magazine. IGN, Gamespot**, God knows what. I think back in time when Blockland actually got on a game magazine reviewing thing the player count did boost.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2013, 02:53:00 AM by LeetZero »

facebook is a dramatic clusterforget where people lie about their lives and talk  @#!*%  about about others, and honestly the people who have commented on the Blockland account(Note:Badspot didn't make the account, its unofficial)  are as stupid as someone who can't pass a basic math exam.

They want the game free because they say 20 bucks is too expensive, I call that total BS, blockland is worth more than 20, its worth at
least 50 or 60.

Now we want to make the community bigger, but the thing is we don't want a community as handicapped as Roblox's or Club Penguin's Communities.

And you have to agree on that with me, we don't want to have the forums rendered completely useless thanks to idiotic members.
Well, you have to decide which is better - a larger community with immature kids, or a smaller community which is older.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2013, 05:40:14 PM by hammereditor² »

I bet most of them just watch it when Ninja Warrior is on.


Money should be spent going towards development of the game and t-shirts (c'mon, it's about time) instead of tv ads.

t-shirts as new advertising campagin

Prices are in the $100,000 range for a 30 second ad.
So about 5,000 blockland keys? Actually seems possible, but still highly unlikely that badspot will make a commercial until the user database increases a bit more, ex. getting on steam.

Although if he did save his $ for a few months, a commercial could pull in a massive amount of players.

Well, you have to decide which is better - a larger community with immature kids, or a smaller community which is older.
A smaller older community will eventually grow, so that is invalid, I for one and probably many others will agree we don't want any immature brats here.

blockland needs some creative viral stuff.
like kidnap a boat full of old people on a cruise, and demand blockland in exchange for the hostages.

I almost wish minecraft didnt exist so blockland could do better.
How the forget can you confuse the two games, seriously.

Hey guys lets all get Totalbiscuit to say how bad our game is!

I prefer games to be popular by word of mouth, because it makes the game a little bit more impressive. Look at Minecraft. No ads, commercials, or anything, and now its one of the most popular games out there.

Besides, even though Blockland might get a lot of players, they will probably be little 7-13 year olds that'll ruin the game, and then we'll end up with tons of drama topics, everybody that loved the game will leave, mass hysteria.

I prefer games to be popular by word of mouth, because it makes the game a little bit more impressive. Look at Minecraft. No ads, commercials, or anything, and now its one of the most popular games out there.

Besides, even though Blockland might get a lot of players, they will probably be little 7-13 year olds that'll ruin the game, and then we'll end up with tons of drama topics, everybody that loved the game will leave, mass hysteria.

This is basically what I'm trying to say.

Besides, even though Blockland might get a lot of players, they will probably be little 7-13 year olds that'll ruin the game, and then we'll end up with tons of drama topics, everybody that loved the game will leave, mass hysteria.

Then so be it. I'm pretty sure Badspot doesn't care about if you stick around or not. If you really think Blockland would suddely appeal to a completely different userbase, and you for some unknown reason can't cope with that userbase, you should probably leave.

Personally, I fail to see how more people would be a bad thing. How exactly are 7-13 year olds supposed to "ruin" the game? By building badly? Or by hosting stuffty TDM's and family RP's? Oh wait, we already have that. And I do not believe that a 7 year old could create more drama than the average pubescent Blockland user today. That's not humanly possible. If anything, the new userbase would dilute the current one. Which would be a good thing, since the amount of drama would go down.
Now let's look at the positive stuff: more users = more add-on makers, more scripters, more awesome builders and more people to play with on any given server.

Honestly, I would like if the game became really popular, so that all the critics would ragequit.

all the poop farts from minecraft would flame us
« Last Edit: May 22, 2013, 07:15:22 AM by unkeldolan »

I think Blockland would need some new features and be fixed up a bit more before we go big on advertisement. Besides, we're gradually getting all kinds of new players anyways. I personally do hope Blockland gets a TV ad and what not, just now may not be the best time for all the publicity.