


Author Topic: Thief Unit -TRIPLE WHAMMY-  (Read 154769 times)

Just make me a big walking box and I'll be fine.

Muslim/Florida, but I take off my box costume when I turn into Muslim and I get mad. Real mad.

Put me up on round 3 (if this doesn't die before then).

Starch Farrier

- 39
Attitude - Absolutely insane serial killer. Has a great interest in sorcery and is profound in knowledge on it. His eyes glow white when he is irritated. Paints his face and body with the blood of his victims. Father of Shell Farrier.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2013, 10:35:11 PM by Shell »

Put me up on round 3 (if this doesn't die before then).
Har har har.

Attitude - Absolutely insane serial killer. Has a great interest in sorcery and is profound in knowledge on it. His eyes glow white when he is irritated. Paints his face and body with the blood of his victims. Father of Shell Farrier.

Well its nice to know Shell was raised in a stable home. Im slightly afraid to know who Shell's Mom is.

i call starch for my team
btw i call team leader

seriously lego what is your avatar of

Attempt to insert the glass pellet in one of the holes...Then start climbing down the other side of the mountain.

>Taylor: Inspect the loving thing you glorified fridge
« Last Edit: June 30, 2013, 10:47:43 AM by Cybertails1998 »

>Taylor: Inspect the loving thing you glorified fridge

It appears to be a piece of niff.

Attempt to insert the glass pellet in one of the holes...Then start climbing down the other side of the mountain.

You climb down and rest in a strangely shaped hole.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2013, 11:07:14 AM by Legoboss »

>Taylor: Grab meatpiece and climb
« Last Edit: June 30, 2013, 11:07:54 AM by Cybertails1998 »

Start digging further into the hole.

seriously lego what is your avatar of
Of the smiley guy.
The character known as ??? and Legoboss.