Author Topic: Gun Massacre - BL_ID: 5148  (Read 16118 times)

I'm not sure how to even start this...

Hello, I'm Gun Massacre
You may have heard of me :P

Things haven't really been working out for me.
I'm hated so much that people are going after people that supposedly act like me.

People are always making drama topics about me and taking everything out of context.

I can't believe that this has been happening for over 3 years.

Oh god. I laughed already. This guy is mentally handicapped, really.

Can someone quote the death threat? I can't find it.

EDIT: And don't you DARE start saying I'm Wound.
For some reason I'm suspicious.

Are his opinions so important so that he has to post them on another website?

Hmm, this is hard for me to decide who is the good guy when I read both stories, but I'm leaning toward Gun's story more.

Hmm, this is hard for me to decide who is the good guy when I read both stories, but I'm leaning toward Gun's story more.
Gun Massacre is not the good guy and has never been the good guy.

Hmm, this is hard for me to decide who is the good guy when I read both stories, but I'm leaning toward Gun's story more.
are you serious

Hmm, this is hard for me to decide who is the good guy when I read both stories, but I'm leaning toward Gun's story more.
well that certainly says a lot about you if you're lapping up his drivel lol

Hmm, this is hard for me to decide who is the good guy when I read both stories, but I'm leaning toward Gun's story more.

It's hard to be innocent when you have this on your channel

I wish badspot would revoke his key already.

He removed his comments!
I was just gonna get the popcorn too!

The video is removed, so can you provide a mirror?

Wrong. Actually HE posted things out of context by only recording AFTER the part where he got kicked. Besides, the video is now private so I will begin to re-upload it. Hatemongering is ‘one who arouses hatred for others’, but that definition would be irrational hatred. This is totally rational. I hate this guy. Here’s the video: