Author Topic: Stop messaging me BDX777  (Read 38364 times)

If you look at my signature, you can see a quote from BDX777:
Quote from: BDX777
Quote from: Moonstar Akemi
Can you provide proof of this?
I just told ya

Shortly after I sigged it, BDX messaged me about it:

I responded with the quote "hi mom!" as an insult because he doesn't have control over my actions. He replied with this:

After saying again to stop messaging me, he responded about the "hi mom" quote again:

Stop messaging me about bullstuff. I'm sick of seeing jumping Korean birds all over my index. If you want to make a big deal over someone quoting you, go ahead. You'll act like a big jackass in the process.

Also, I may or may not be aware of a "block user" mechanism if there is one. If so, then I don't know where it is, because I searched through both my Messages and BDX777's profile looking for one to avoid this.

Just block BDX777 from sending you personal messages.

Anyways, he's a friend.

Just block BDX777 from sending you personal messages.
Can you show me where?

Again, I couldn't find any sort of block user thing.

Can you show me where?

Again, I couldn't find any sort of block user thing.

Go to profile. Go to modify profile. Then, go to personal message options.

Add BDX777 in the ignore list.

bdx is handicapped. try ignoring him.

BDX777 is actually Kim Jong-Un.

BDX777 is actually Kim Jong-Un.
no wonder why he's so handicapped

BDX777 is actually Kim Jong-Un.

This can't lie, also he's a bird?

wow beachbum
he would have never guessed!!!

lol permission to sig
Exactly, I put people in my signature and they don't care. A lot of people put random guys in there sigs and der be nothing wrong with dat.

he didn't give you permission

you better call the fbi and turn yourself in, OP