If you look at my signature, you can see a quote from BDX777:
Can you provide proof of this?
I just told ya
Shortly after I sigged it, BDX messaged me about it:

I responded with the quote "hi mom!" as an insult because he doesn't have control over my actions. He replied with this:

After saying
again to stop messaging me, he responded about the "hi mom" quote again:

Stop messaging me about bullstuff. I'm sick of seeing jumping Korean birds all over my index. If you want to make a big deal over someone quoting you, go ahead. You'll act like a big jackass in the process.
Also, I may or may not be aware of a "block user" mechanism if there is one. If so, then I don't know where it is, because I searched through both my Messages and BDX777's profile looking for one to avoid this.