Author Topic: Intruder- Tactical Stealth FPS Game (Early Stages)  (Read 4795 times)

Intruder is a team tactical stealth fps game from the developers over at Superboss Games. The game combines team cooperation with your own ability to choose what path you would like to take. There are many ways to complete your objective and many paths you can take in order to reach those objectives. It is an online multiplayer game that has two teams: the guards and the intruders. As of now, there is one game mode in which the intruders much steal 2 packages while the guards protect it.

Sniper Rifle
Mirror Camera
Remote Charges
Smoke Grenades

As you can see from the equipment, there are many ways for both teams to do their job. For example, in order to get into a door, you may have to use the lock pick. Another example, if you want to communicate with your team mates you can't just simply use a push to talk button, you have to take out your radio and talk to them. The further you are away from your team mates the harder it is to hear them, so stick together. The game is in early stages so their aren't many weapons.


Build 007 Video:
Build 006 Video:
Build 005 Video:
Build 004 Video:
Build 003 Video: kids klub
Build 002 Video:
Build 001 Video:


Q: Ooh, this game looks awesome! How can I play it?
A: As of now, there isn't public early access. However, the one way you could get into early access, or become a secret tester is by showing TMC (Trust, maturity, and contribution). Read more here:


Superboss Game's Website:
Superboss Game's Forum:
Superboss Game's IRC:
Superboss Game's Youtube Channel:

Fun Gifs!

« Last Edit: July 01, 2013, 12:31:45 PM by Kazami »

saw gameplay of this

looks pretty exciting
can't wait to play it lol

will it blend be f2p? that is the question

will it blend be f2p? that is the question
Most likely it won't. Rob and Austin (developers) have to make a living somehow. And besides, the game will be totally worth what ever the cost is. Trust me.

Most likely it won't. Rob and Austin (developers) have to make a living somehow. And besides, the game will be totally worth what ever the cost is. Trust me.


I can sense being paranoid already

I can sense being paranoid already
Ya, that is probably a big feeling you have while playing the game, other then having fun. One of the most scary things is while you're talking on the radio and then the person you are talking to cuts off.

there needs to be a very well made text to speech for people that don't have a mic
speaking volume meter on the side of the chat or whatever

there needs to be a very well made text to speech for people that don't have a mic
speaking volume meter on the side of the chat or whatever
I don't know if something like that would be implemented. As of now they just have a general team chat that you can use to talk to your team. However, a mic is highly recommended so you can quickly communicate. But I don't know about that.

I don't know if something like that would be implemented. As of now they just have a general team chat that you can use to talk to your team. However, a mic is highly recommended so you can quickly communicate. But I don't know about that.
Well the thing is if you just talk to your own team, the other team has no idea what's happening, and everybody's going to use it

Well the thing is if you just talk to your own team, the other team has no idea what's happening, and everybody's going to use it
My bad, the developer just corrected me of my mistake. All text chat is global, there is no team chat.

or you can use something like teamspeak

or you can use something like teamspeak
Ya, but that wouldn't be as fun.