What is this?
Well, welcome to globeservers, fellow forum wanderer. We are a group of people who just like to build servers for the community to enjoy and play. Currently we have a very limited staff, so we are hiring. GlobeServers started small, so I hope to expand it. We don't really stick to a certain type of server, we just stick to Blockland servers. Also the reason I put this in General is because its more of a topic about a server, and I'm just hiring people to help me make it,
so don't drama me oh harsh community of the world.
In the year 2075, the newest cruise ship was ready for sail. The Global Traveler. Everyone around the world gathered to witness the grand first embarking of the revolutionary ship. The ship was able to duplicate parts of the hull, so it can possibly repare itself automatically. It could also open doors-- doors to other dimensions.
It was said that over 4 billion people where watching it when it opened it's first door in time. The plan was they would travel to the year 30273, and also be the first people to officially look into the future. The only problem was they haven't developed the rules of time yet, which declares no one from the past shall go into the future for they may gain information that can create paradoxes, and also destroy bolth the time traveller and the people in the future.
Well, they successfully travelled to the future. It was a gigantic ice wasteland. They couldn't see anything anti-ice for miles. Suddenly, they detected a 'entrance' to some sort of cave. With their tools, they forced it open to reveal a laboratory of sorts. They robbed it of all of it's technology, and then quickly got back on the ship to go back to the present.
Over a course of 10 years, they studied the technology and got as much information of it as they could. Once they decided to use their newfound technology, an accident happened. The future technology depended on ice as a power source, so it malfuncioned (they used it in California) causing the Earth to duplicate approximately 2,000 times, and also sent all those duplicates into parallel universes.
Sometimes only parts of Earth got into a dimension, and the parts that broke off went into another. This document has been written by a group of scientists that fell into a dimension where humans have harvested all of Earth, and went to an alternate planet-- Earth v2, where they are living on that. We are trapped in v2 Earth, hiding undercover from the evolved humans. Only a exact duplicate of the science laboratory came with us. We have invented a device allowing us to travel between dimensions, but it is not perfected.
We call ourselves GlobeServers. We examine the dimensions, and try to help the people as much as we can. We're Hiring.
Project Arctic
As the first test of our device to travel dimensions, we traveled to a dimension similar to the one the Global Traveler traveled to. We discovered a exact duplicate of Global Traveler there, but in wreck. Apparently once it got duplicated, it had a rough landing when it materialized. We pledged to help the poor people, so we started studying technologies that helps people survive in subzero temperatures. We also helped the people develop a city. Once we helped those people, we decided to move on-- without a few new members: Box, Deve111, and Hyaku.
Project WAR!
As the second test of our device, we learned some ways to improve it. When we landed in this dimension, it appeared as a major war was in place. We quickly got to cover, and asked the first person we saw what year it was. He looked at us as if we where crazy, but then said,"Oh, you must be the frozen super-soldiers from the past. The government never tells us anything anymore." Now it was our turn to look at him funny.
He said it was 30323, making it exactly 50 years after Project Arctic. It seemed as if there is an oposite dimension where GlobeServers existed-- and also helped this dimension in the exact way we helped Project Arctic. The only thing different was that GlobeServers v2 gave them wepons. Wepons capable of fighting a war that spans across dimensions. Project Arctic v2 evolved to be barbarians, fighting wars with anyone they met. Over the years they gained lots of enemies, and Project Arctic v2 started forming 'factions' and fought themselves. Adventually it expanded into total warfare with a whole dimension.
We had conveniently landed right in the middle of faction 'The Preichers' and 'Holy Ghosts' battlegrounds. We had decided we will help this barbaric dimension, but not in the way we helped Project Arctic.
Project Dimensions
With the new technology we obtained at Project WAR! we set off to a new dimension. Only problem is, the weapons set off a unknown type of radioactive puss that got on
Box's hair jel and made dimensions collide. We found ourselves in a dimension, that had a bunch of other dimensions in it. It also seemed that we where going super slow, but the rest of the world fast. Soon, civilizations started erupting and wars where fought before our eyes. Once the humans got to a moderately complex level, time started to act regularly. Apparently there was "voting" that led to the totally different worlds that collided, because of
Box's hair jel. We did not see any immediate problems, but we still need to investagate. Some say the "hide and seek" world is haunted by a extremely evolved semi-human species. This is yet to be proven.
If you where bored enough to read the story, you would have picked up on two projects-- Project Arctic and Project Dimension War IIV. Lets go in depth on them.
Project Arctic
Project Arctic was originally a rp, but now it has evolved into a semi-rp. It has rpmods making it more orderly then the chaos that happened during betatesting. This project is not officially finished, so we aren't going to host it just yet. If you want to understand the situation you are in, please read the story.
Once you spawn, you might want to check out the button that says "EMPLOY" on it. Press that, then you can get a job. You make money through this job. A planned feature is buyable lots, so that way it is more orderly. Go to the bank to cash in chopped down trees, ores, and dead fish.
If your hungry for blood, you might just go on a killing spree. But beware-- cops have handcuffs, which slow you down by 20% and make your wepons unusable for 1 minute. Also, they can jail you with their batons. Also, disconnecting from the server to avoid arrest will result in a 1 day ban. Also, glitching out of handcuffs purposely will result in a 4 hour ban.
Project Dimensions!
This project is a minigame land, with an addon to vote for maps (Thanks viso!). We currently are building: Hide N Seek, Zombie Waves, and something I forgot. We have already built Spleef, Throwmod, and Pushbroom fight.
GlobeServers has its own website, right here:
https://sites.google.com/site/globeservers/homeand its own World Of Text, somewhat like a bullitin board. If you are in the staff, tell me your worldoftext username to have access to modify it. (Right now its greifed, beware)
Currently we are hiring staff. This server has a unique "food chain" of power. Here is how it goes.
Moderator < Pasta < Admin < Super Trainee < Super Admin < Co Host < Host
You start as moderator, and then go up. No "BECUUZZ IM DA SPECIAL PERSUNNN I GET SUPAR ADMEN" or "GIV ME ADMEEN NOWZ OR BANZ fRUMMM MY SERDURR!." If any of you say this, I'm assuming your not very smart.
Here is the application format.
Name:Blockland ID:Skills:Current Position in server(if any):Why should I hire you?:Timezone:Hours usually on:Credit for logo goes to Masterlegodude