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Author Topic: Nations at War - Closing Time!  (Read 210421 times)

The Prophet travels to Belsnia on a diplomatic trip to bring the possibilities of a research agreement between the two nations to develop a more cost effective way of space travel.

(The AC is already a part of the research as our space programs are integrated.)

I told you all, Candy Apple was Muslim's alt. Mikoyan was the only one that believed me. Now you all see. NOW YOU SEE!
i loving knew it too

i loving knew it too
Yeah a ton of people knew and I wasn't trying that hard to hide it.

That the case, I'm deleting Mishylongnamia.

Map updated.

I find it funny how mlockha is calling Lance a war monger.

The AC begins several projects whose names will become public in the near future.  Most will be aided by Project S.

Last Edit:
Due to failure to indicate a desire to continue the RP (Didn't post in three days after being warned of an inactivity purge), Klevinstein will be removed form the RP.  The land is Earth's until Saturday morning so new people can join with that land if they like.  I'll either update the map today or tomorrow.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2014, 08:02:14 PM by Plethora »

Ragin has found he soruce of the terrorist attacks and has made a take down earliyer today. And in responcr to Conservatia ragin has set up Anti air turrets around the capital city and the Ragonian border. Ragin offers a Peace treaty. Accept or else. The rebel leader was found by ragonian farmers and shot in the leg. He is currently in the hospital recovering. No news on if the rebelion will end or find a new leader. Ragonian president says "Conservatia should not be over are borders and ragin has the rebelions running with there tails between there legs. Its only a matter of time before the militaty moves in. I do not want war with Conservatia but if that what it takes then so be it".

Ragin is now defcon 3
Ragin now has AA defences around the border and capital city of Relenoy
The terrorist orginization is no longer
The rebel leader has been captured
Troops have been sent to the border closest to Conservatia.
Troops are now stationed in citys around the capital
A peace treaty was offered to Conservatia.
Ragin thanks Californatia for the support

NEWS FLASH: The ragonian military has moved around the rebelions camp and has offered for them to surrender. They have exepted. They will be jailed for 6 months and there weapons liceneses revoked. Now we hope Conservatia will exept the treaty

Super the sword is being pointed at you. You're really not in the position to say
"Peace or else."

could somebody at least out line wherever the california nation is

It's the last remaining piece of British Columbia.

Ragin has found he soruce of the terrorist attacks and has made a take down earliyer today. And in responcr to Conservatia ragin has set up Anti air turrets around the capital city and the Ragonian border. Ragin offers a Peace treaty. Accept or else. The rebel leader was found by ragonian farmers and shot in the leg. He is currently in the hospital recovering. No news on if the rebelion will end or find a new leader. Ragonian president says "Conservatia should not be over are borders and ragin has the rebelions running with there tails between there legs. Its only a matter of time before the militaty moves in. I do not want war with Conservatia but if that what it takes then so be it".

Ragin is now defcon 3
Ragin now has AA defences around the border and capital city of Relenoy
The terrorist orginization is no longer
The rebel leader has been captured
Troops have been sent to the border closest to Conservatia.
Troops are now stationed in citys around the capital
A peace treaty was offered to Conservatia.
Ragin thanks Californatia for the support

NEWS FLASH: The ragonian military has moved around the rebelions camp and has offered for them to surrender. They have exepted. They will be jailed for 6 months and there weapons liceneses revoked. Now we hope Conservatia will exept the treaty

Conservatia denies the treaty, "You are unstable, too unstable. You war with yourselves and you need to be controlled. This is not a discussion, we're telling you we are liberating you."

Aerial forces continue attempting to push in. Numbers prove to be a advantage as attack helicopters begin firing down on ground forces, as well as air-to-ground jets. The AA guns deployed prove to work, striking down some jets and helicopters-- But with the amount that's coming, and the large difference in size in population and country size, the AA guns aren't firing fast enough to make up for the amount of enemies pushing their way inside. For each AA gun that takes down a jet/helicopter, it is immediately targeted by jets and fired upon with HE caliber rounds or bombs , most likely critically damaging or destroying the turrets.

The acclaimed communications satellite begins floating over, Ragin below it. It stays there for a moment before the cap on the area where the suspected second stage would connect to the first stage, revealing it is holding 10 tungsten rods inside, all held there. It waits for a moment before one of the rods suddenly launches down. It's soaring down towards earths atmosphere at around mach 10. It penetrates the atmosphere, plasma clearly seen around the rod as large as a telephone (edit:POLE I FORGOT TO ADD POLE stuff), circulating around the rod due to the speed of which it's coming down. Soaring downwards towards the Ragin capitol city of Relenoy. Within minutes after launching it slams into the ground, and for a split second there is simply silence before a uncomfortable light forms and smoke and dust blast up into the air from the impact, a massive explosion erupting from the impact zone instantly killing anyone unfortunate enough to be within a 4-14km radius, having no chance to escape and barely even to notice their impending fate. After the collision, power would go out and it'd fall silent for a short while. Then nature takes it course, as the earth extremely violently begins to shake. Buildings fall, the earth cracks open and groans as the sound of metal constricting against metal roars all around, either from buildings falling or the plates of the earth itself shifting, twisting and turning even. Earth crumbles are peoples feet or even rises. After around twenty minutes, the city is a mess of fallen buildings, dust and smoke and fire. They didn't stand a chance.

And before people starting pulling down their pants and whipping out their richards in preparation of arguing with me about how this is 'OP' or completely one sided. Well, it's not. When the tungsten rod is launched, there's not much you can do at all. It'll be going too fast for any targeting system to lock onto. The size of the rod itself a massive factor in combating targeting systems as well. It can't be shot all willy nilly around the world either, it has to make its way around with orbit unless given a amazing angle which is unlikely to happen. How can you combat this? Well, don't piss off the person who's using it without any way of shooting it down first, either with a rocket or something else. Two, you can always try and make sure it isn't aiming at anything of yours, it may act like a satellite but it can freely turn itself around to aim at stuff. Three.. Well, shoot it down or make one of your own so people don't use it in fear of you using your own.

There's also this, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinetic_bombardment, this is completely realistic as well, as a similar design was considered by the US.

« Last Edit: March 24, 2014, 09:44:15 PM by grunterdb1951 »

And I would like to note that Erinaum had the technology for KTOSs (Kinetic-Type Orbital Strykers), though not for this scale, so I suppose it is Conservatian enginuity that determined such an explosive yield, (though I'm not sure how a Tungsten Rod would do that much damage).

And I would like to note that Erinaum had the technology for KTOSs (Kinetic-Type Orbital Strykers), though not for this scale, so I suppose it is Conservatian enginuity that determined such an explosive yield, (though I'm not sure how a Tungsten Rod would do that much damage).

Perhaps the explosion field was a bit much, I'll lower that a bit, but after the initial impact, everything else would happen as depicted. Pretty much the big forgetstuffup cannon from call of duty ghosts.

A 52-63km radius is still pretty damn big for ground zero, mate, maybe like 6-10km, and then lessening damage the further out you go.  You'd still feel the Earth shake around the world, though.  Regardless, you'd get all kinds of city-wide fires, and the city would likely burn to the ground.

NTA looks at Conservatia in disgust, it feels Conservatia's methods of "liberating" citizens by killing them is inhumane.

They do not take action.

Basically a non-radioactive nuke.  You're kidding, right?  I said that thing about the spirit of the law with the nuke rule, and you do this?