Author Topic: First Person Free View  (Read 638 times)

there should be a mod where you can hold the free view button to turn your head in first person, just like in a vehicle.
(Inspired by ARMA II)
this is mostly helpful for DM'ing or Movies, or even messing around.


Port has made something like this but didn't release it.

If you made a way to turn around 360 degrees, I would so download it!

If you made a way to turn around 360 degrees, I would so download it!
inb4owlblockheads lol

Never going to release?
Port has made something like this but didn't release it.
well that sucks. is anyone else going to do something similar to this? it would really be useful.

Never going to release?

I'd release it if I could remember the exact mouse input -> view configuration transformation I used (I don't have the files anymore).

I'd release it if I could remember the exact mouse input -> view configuration transformation I used (I don't have the files anymore).
Wow, what a surprise!