Author Topic: Working Elevators!  (Read 89291 times)

You haven't answered my question, does it kill players who are dumb enough to stand underneath an elevator?

you should be able to set the elevator speed in the gui, thins looks great  :cookieMonster:. when do you think this mod will be relesed? Before november 1st?

I plan to make it so that you cannot enter an elevator shaft using the door when the car is not there.  Now, If you choose to make a service level below the first floor (like a lot of real life buildings do), then you can access the elevator shaft.

What I'ld like to know is, what happens when you're not on the same floor that the elevator car's on? Is there a way to 'call' for it to come to you?

What I'ld like to know is, what happens when you're not on the same floor that the elevator car's on? Is there a way to 'call' for it to come to you?
I would also like to know, I would suggest setting bricks as buttons but I dunno  :cookieMonster:

What I'ld like to know is, what happens when you're not on the same floor that the elevator car's on? Is there a way to 'call' for it to come to you?
I would also like to know, I would suggest setting bricks as buttons but I dunno  :cookieMonster:
good question...

I would also like to suggest something, you use triggers as calls for elavators...


Floor3 (B) you click this button....

Floor2 (B)    ^^^^^

Floor1 (B)  [Elavator]  after you click the button, it goes up...

Aww i was hoping that players would be able to be flattened by dropping them into an elevator shaft.

Will it work with vehicles?

Will it work with vehicles?
I doubt it, on RTB it never really worked because of the physics the vehicles and the tires feel through the floor.

Actually, I'll probably just use triggers to determine when you walk up to an elevator.  A GUI will appear.  If you're on the bottom floor, it'll just say "Up"; If you're on the top floor, it'll just say "Down".  If you're somewhere in between, it will give you the choice of "Up" or "Down".  If you actually want to call the elevator to you, you'll click the "Call" button.  The tricky part will be coding the logic that can manage requests from a 100-story building.   :cookieMonster:

What if 3 people call the elevator at the same time?

It will put them into a request queue, ordered by floor.

i want it i want it i want it SO bad that is freaking wasome :cookieMonster: