Author Topic: The first server you visited  (Read 5813 times)

I think it was a TDM, using that old Team Deathmatch game-mode made by Space Guy.
Version 8 or so.

My server back in v19
I was pretty cool fool back then
Known as: HEROBRINE23323, finn the human, Finn the Human, And so on, If you want a full namelist, Go check my ID.

my own server

in terms of playing on other servers, Wizzard's Dogfight

I think it was a server that "Psycho" hosted.
Not sure exactly.

Someones random freebuild in the old Bedroom.

It was either Yorktown's City (i think it was) or  some hotel rp in v9

A bedroom server in v0002 in which I made a house out of red 2x4s.

First one I remember is Mesprit's Freebuild where I somehow got admin.

Somewhere in which i got killed and yelled at, so i dont know.

heedicalking's TDM

it had that offroad transport vehicle thats so awesome

I think some family rp on slate, i made a little store on no baseplate made out of 2x4's. Like some fruit stand or something.

editino: I think this was in v14? or v16. somewhere around there.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2013, 10:00:12 PM by Obliviongate20 »

It was either Red Guy's Unlimited Mining
badspot's lag party
I think it might've been badspot's though.