Author Topic: 2013/08/28 - Blockland has been greenlit!  (Read 105711 times)

When Blockland becomes available on the steam store, how would we register/activate it if we pre-owned it?  Would it still be considered a nonsteam game if we don't have the activation code?

I'm fairly sure we'll all be given steam codes. Actually, a while back I believe baddy mentioned that our current blockland keys could work if valve has support for such a system.

I'm fairly sure we'll all be given steam codes. Actually, a while back I believe baddy mentioned that our current blockland keys could work if valve has support for such a system.
...or instead of overcomplicating it we could just use our regular blockland keys through steam?

That's what he said could happen. Right there, in that post.

Is this likely?

I think that it will be called Blockland in the store, you download the Demo and activate as you always have and that steam will just sell you keys and go through badspot's normal payment process which Amazon Payments uses.

...or instead of overcomplicating it we could just use our regular blockland keys through steam?

Actually, a while back I believe baddy mentioned that our current blockland keys could work if valve has support for such a system.

y u no read

"Steam is just another way to get Blockland"

Badspot just said on the stream he's very interested in workshop support and achievements.
So no, it won't just be
"Steam is just another way to get Blockland"

The Apocalypse nears gentlemen!  Prepare your armaments, your defenses and your bodies!  The storm of stuff is coming! 

So uh...

What's the first thing to be worked on? or changed? or added?

Also with Greenlight comes new players and possibly attention aswell bringing us new users which means new content, hopefully good (or sadly bad) servers and hopefully a game changing update either by devs or the community.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2013, 11:06:48 PM by Frostbyte »

Badspot just said on the stream he's very interested in workshop support and achievements.
So no, it won't just be

Without context, it doesn't mean much. Badspot said "Steam will just be another way to purchase Blockland" when explaining how people who have already bought the game will deal with the switch to Steam.

The Apocalypse nears gentlemen!  Prepare your armaments, your defenses and your bodies!  The storm of stuff is coming! 

forget off loser.

That's not nice
Neither is making fun of a dead 6 year old.