Author Topic: why i'm so mad recently  (Read 5776 times)

National Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Information Center
Phone: 800.784.6776
People They Help: Families, professionals, media, policymakers, concerned individuals

you act offended when I was just adding to your point.
offended? Lol

Seriously, listen to Pandan. If you love your mother, you won't let her continue like this.

In my family, my dad drinks beers only at gatherings and smokes a cigar every Sunday on the porch. However, I think he started to chew again which is loving disgusting. My mom on the other hand has a glass of wine maybe every other night before bed, usually while she reads her books. My brother smokes hookah and weed maybe? Anyways, weed is legal where I live as long as you're over 21. Anyways Freek, I would maybe hold an intervention (if that has not been done before).

Freek could you live with your dad?
he lives pretty far from my school too.
I currently live around 7 minutes from my school, but if I were to live there it'd take like an hour.
plus read this:

he lives pretty far from my school too.
I currently live around 7 minutes from my school, but if I were to live there it'd take like an hour.
plus read this:
that's horrible :(
Hope you get better.

Pandan's right, and if your mom won't do anything about it then you or someone else needs to take some initiative and do something. She needs help, and if she won't get it on her own then maybe you need to help her.

If it means anything, I'll be praying for you guys :/

That sucks man, hope everything gets better

I'm currently waiting on some deliciously edgy individual to start talking stuff.

I'm currently waiting on some deliciously edgy individual to start talking stuff.

"man up, you pusillanimous individual. do drugs with her, bonding time"

In all seriousness, I'm really sorry for you, man. My mother drinks more than most people, but as far as I know it's harmless.

I'm currently waiting on some deliciously edgy individual to start talking stuff.

I mean I kind of think he's over reacting. The only really serious part of this is that she is most likely addicted to painkillers. She probably takes them because her back bothers her and then got addicted. The smoking part is seriously being over dramatic, and the drinking isn't great. But he seemed to be super upset she had like a beer a night. That's not bad at all.

wow holy stuff, that's bad.

hope it gets better, freek.

Pandan's right, and if your mom won't do anything about it then you or someone else needs to take some initiative and do something. She needs help, and if she won't get it on her own then maybe you need to help her.

If it means anything, I'll be praying for you guys :/
I think in the OP somewhere I said she was getting her drinking problems fixed, but if I didn't, she's been going to some AA meetings about her addictions, so hopefully she'll be better maintained.

I think in the OP somewhere I said she was getting her drinking problems fixed, but if I didn't, she's been going to some AA meetings about her addictions, so hopefully she'll be better maintained.

Oh, good...

Sue her.
This has got to be a candidate for the dumbest post of the year.