Author Topic: Just had one hell of a nightmare.  (Read 9586 times)

I often have vivid (and sometimes disturbing) dreams. I keep a dream log of all of them on my computer. I had probably the worst one I've ever experienced just a few minutes ago. I fell asleep on my couch. It was not overnight.

Upon waking up the "second" time I was extremely confused and thought it was the next day, then realized I had only been asleep 40 minutes.
Excerpt from the log:

Wednesday, October 9, 2013th,
What better way to start off the Halloween Season.

This dream happened in the middle of the day. I fell asleep, and upon waking up, learned I was only asleep 40 minutes. It began when I was on a forum I like to go on, writing a post. It suddenly spazzed out and made it go into strange unreadable characters, and posted it. I was trying to edit it but no matter what I was doing it kept turning into unreadable text. I was scared I would get banned for it, so I went onto my other laptop (When I only have 1?), but I couldn’t find the laptop anywhere. I then got on the bus to school, already starting the day out with a super gloomy mood. The bus kept nearly hitting dogs. Like, it would swerve off the road and try to ram one but the dogs always jumped out of the way in time. We got to school, and I was called to the principal’s office immediately. Everyone who I passed in the hallway had horribly mutilated and disturbing faces and bodies. When I got in he began to scream at me and I couldn’t understand him. Eventually he stopped so I left, and while trying to go back to class, several students jumped on me and started violently punching me in the face. Instead of fighting back I just fell down unable to move, while they beat me up. Eventually the principal and a bunch of other teachers (All horribly distorted) came over and began to scream at me for fighting, like I had started it or something. He told us we all had a week of detention, and I had 2 weeks for starting it. I began to speak to tell him I didn’t and he changed it to 4 weeks. Instead of going back to our classes we went straight to the detention room. I had my laptop, and was writing a paper on it. I noticed a crack on the top right corner of my laptop screen. This really upset me so I looked closer. It was growing. The crack was getting bigger and bigger and was consuming the entire screen. I tried to pull the laptop off the table, concerned something was breaking it, and in the process, the entire thing broke into tons of pieces. Everyone was laughing and I was really, really upset. I was about to cry at this point but I didn’t want to in the detention room. I ran back into the classroom and everyone was looking at me in unison. The other kids from the detention room came in. Suddenly they all pulled out weapons and began killing me. At this point I realized it was a dream, and began thrashing and moving around as much as I could, trying to wake up. I woke up crying in bed. I turned on the lights and stood there for a second. I was sweating a ton. I was also in a house I didn’t recognize. Suddenly I woke up gasping, but this time for real. My heartbeat was insane and I was sweating a ton.

You know you spend too much time on the forums when you dream about getting banned.


I feel kinda childish wanting to tell people about my dreams.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2013, 09:36:46 PM by Zalot »

this seems like one of the worse nightmare threads ive seen on here, the worst one by far is this one:
god damn.

I had a dream once where Glass was supreme world overlord and the world was made out of giant ice GSF terrain blocks. My friends were shot trying to attack the huge beast (who was made out of a mixture of metal and pure fat), and I ended up moving to a small mini-town in Antarctica also made out of bricks. At the end of the story I was trying to buy some stuff to kill Glass with. I eventually almost did, but I died before I woke up.

And for a period of time I was having horrible nightmares every night - literally every night. From exploding head syndrome to a horrible tale about murder, I had horrible dreams. Now, though, I've got better dreams; I don't know what happened. Maybe it's not living in the ghetto in Florida any more? I don't know. But now I have normal 13 year old boy dreams about this girl I like and buying a Lamborghini and driving it around a small dock.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2013, 08:08:32 PM by Muslim »

I had a dream once where Glass was supreme world overlord
oh my god and I thought my dream was bad

Real alpha males do not have nightmares.

oh my god and I thought my dream was bad
Did I mention he was the height of Mount Everest too.

I had a dream once where Glass was supreme world overlord
he'd create cloning techonologys

Real alpha males do not have nightmares.
They just dream of the future

Thats forgeted up.
I too have nightmares, some very very horrid ones. Very real too.

I had one where I was shaking and freaking out, it was about L4D. it's not too long but i don't feel like typing it if nobody wants to hear it

I haven't had a nightmare in 9 years. Sleeping on your stomach really helps with avoiding nightmares.

I haven't had a nightmare in 9 years. Sleeping on your stomach really helps with avoiding nightmares.
I sleep on my side all the time

i had a nightmare once where zombies were invading my house and gobbled up my whole family.

the same day i was playing zombie servers all day

Really? I never really have nightmares, but I have really long dreams that span a story with multiple days
pretty much 100% of my adventures come from my dreams

Anyways, I heard that the colder you are, the more of a chance of a nightmare you are going to have. So try to stay warm~

The only nightmare I've had really is the re-occurring dream of a dark hallway, a red smile, and me being forced to the ground and getting dragged into the hallway into the darkness while hearing laughter. Its happened since I was 7 or so

Really? I never really have nightmares, but I have really long dreams that span a story with multiple days
pretty much 100% of my adventures come from my dreams

Anyways, I heard that the colder you are, the more of a chance of a nightmare you are going to have. So try to stay warm~

The only nightmare I've had really is the re-occurring dream of a dark hallway, a red smile, and me being forced to the ground and getting dragged into the hallway into the darkness while hearing laughter. Its happened since I was 7 or so

is that where that creepy smile guy in forum island came from

I sleep on my side now, but I still don't have nightmares.