Author Topic: praying before you eat  (Read 23215 times)

Mhmm. Have you even read your Bible before?

so since when did all of this happen on the same night

oh no someone used an internet gimmick instead of responding to a question oh NO OH NO MY LIFE IS OVER WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WHAT. AM. I. GOING. TO. DO.

i thank the cows. :l

I don't pray before eating

Wat. Everyone seems to interpret numerous things in different ways, and I'm just using Pascal's wager as it was intended originally, how is that hard to understand?

Pascal's wager only refers to the existence of God. Not to any belief specifically. Just because people use it as "You should believe what I believe because it's a bad risk otherwise" doesn't invalidate Pascal's wager. It's a good argument saying that people should look into religion more openly, putting their biases to the side, at least temporarily.
I think we're confusing each other so I'm just going to start all over, ignoring anything you or I have said previously.

Pascal's Wager says that if one believes in god, but is wrong, they lose nothing, but if they don't believe in god, and are wrong, they lose everything. Therefore, the safe option is to believe in god.
The problem with this is that there are multiple religions who say something along the lines of "you shall have no other gods before me." If I believe in religion A, I lose according to religion B. If I believe in religion B, I lose according to religion A. There is therefore no 100% safe course of action.

That's the only point I've been trying to make

people don't know the Bible anywhere NEAR as well as they think they do.
Christians and non-Christians alike.
Though I'm assuming that's what you meant when you used the broad term "people"

Then I'm guessing Caesar Augustus was ruler of Rome, which at the time ruled over Israel, which was ruled by King Herod.

I could be wrong, like I said before, this is just a guess

I am religious, and sometimes I do, and sometimes I don't.

Then I'm guessing Caesar Augustus was ruler of Rome, which at the time ruled over Israel, which was ruled by King Herod.

I could be wrong, like I said before, this is just a guess
Quote from: Wikipedia
Herod (Hebrew: הוֹרְדוֹס‎, Hordos, Greek: Ἡρῴδης, Hērōdēs), (73/74 BCE – 4 BCE), also known as Herod the Great and Herod I, was a Roman client king of Judea.
Quote from: Wikipedia
Augustus (Latin: Imperator Caesar Divi F. Augustus, 23 September 63 BC – 19 August 14 AD) was the founder of the Roman Empire and its first Emperor, ruling from 27 BC until his death in 14 AD.

Then I'm guessing Caesar Augustus was ruler of Rome, which at the time ruled over Israel, which was ruled by King Herod.

I could be wrong, like I said before, this is just a guess

It was Augustus for sure.

If you want the super strict baptist - 'once saved, always saved,' answer, then yes
If you want the answer that some other denominations say- nop
I'm non-denominational, but I still think people are saved after once being saved.

OT: I don't usually pray before every meal (omg heathen) but I do thank God for the food in my head. That is essentially praying, though.

but I do thank God for the food in my head. That is essentially praying, though.

That's pretty much what I do, like I close my eyes and think of a prayer really fast and before I eat anything lol

I don't ever do it, but when I am at a friend's sleepover and they do it for breakfast in the morning, I join them out of respect.