Author Topic: Taboo's Randomizer Deathmatch - wotf  (Read 4073 times)

In the same spirit as Nickel's Randomizer TDM from a little while back during the summer, I've decided I'd like to try my hand at running a similar server with some little changes, such as a map cycle and more consistent weapons.
The general idea is that players are randomly assigned weapons and have to try their best to make use of the one life they get to take out as many other players as they can. Last man standing is the victor. Simple and straightforward and loads of fun when executed well with good players.

Burn Mortar
Machine Gun
Rotary Grenade
Saw! Tomahawk!!
Sawblade Rifle
Sniper Rifle
Twin Magnums
Twin Spam Rifle
Drunken Rockets
Heater Cannon
Missile L
Missile Storm
Spiral Missile
Static Beam
Super Shotgun
Twin Bayonets
Warhead Launcher
Combat Knife
Electric Guitar
Frying Pan
Homerun Bat
Ice Axe
Lead Pipe
Push Broom
Riot Shield
Rocket Punch
Ball Football
Beret Blue
Beret Red
Conc' Grenade
DoubleDamage Cola
Flash Grenade
Frag Grenade
Helmet+Gas Mask
Invincible Cola
Kevlar Vest
PowerUp - HopUp
PowerUp - Shock
PowerUp - Velocity
PowerUp - Shield
Stick Grenade
Vest Ballistic
Vest Tactical

Built by Khain (BLID 7368)

Towering Terrace
Built by Bushido (BLID 708)
half heartedly recreated by taboob

SPO Castle
Built by these guys over here

Built by poo (BLID 20307)

Shipping Yard
Built by Khain (BLID 7368) and Legodude77 (BLID 23316)

If you would like to contribute a build,
post it here somehow and I'll give it a look!

All contributing builders
Releasing his weapon randomization script (here)
Putting his great Quake-Type Weapons into a public beta at last
Putting out his fantastic soft shaders to make all these screenshots pretty
Allowing me a trial of the RTB Hosting service to give this server an ideal start
forgetin' guess

The server is hosted semiregularly as my personal schedule permits
all listed times are CST

Weekdays -
Friday & Saturday -
Sunday -
Holidays -
5pm ~ 8pm
5pm ~ 9pm
10am ~ 7pm
8am ~ 10pm

« Last Edit: November 02, 2013, 05:31:36 PM by .::Taboo::. »

you need a dedicated server

i don't like the idea of hosting with dedicateds because of the simple inherent bad idea of leaving a bunch of people playing without supervision
it would be handy just for general connectivity purposes, i guess, but the bigger issue here is that i am a cheap bastard


What if people would be willing to donate?

acually i built shipping yard but lego uses it more than me so its more his

I was thinking "ugh another randomizer?" until I saw the beautiful op.
looks good :)

acually i built shipping yard but lego uses it more than me so its more his
i guess i'll go ahead and amend the op to reflect this

I was thinking "ugh another randomizer?" until I saw the beautiful op.
looks good :)
thanks yo

What if people would be willing to donate?
those people would be huge goofs but i'd be in no position to turn money down, i guess
« Last Edit: October 31, 2013, 10:51:42 PM by .::Taboo::. »

no wtf put by khain and legodude

wow i love you ill send you new hk now

they'd actually probably be pretty well suited to be used alongside the quake weapons so yeah cool

jk theres no new hk

but if u can do icons and ci for the upcoming ones thatd be great

ill send u the models asap

aight, no problem
if you can give me non-dts files that'd save me a little time on the icons o3o

Finally a good RD with actually good maps! Hooray!

this looks super loving lovey

you say hosted regularly, like when?