Author Topic: Music Megathread  (Read 204710 times)

Well, I guess i should start posting what I'm working on every once in a while. I will start with these. Created for Ostinyo's Hogwarts as introductory, quest, and background pieces, I decided to post them here as they are Blockland related pieces. There are more to come as the project is always growing, so I will keep this up to date. Enjoy!

i love this kind of stuff good work

the guitar in the start sounds like a school bus idling


did it run out of gas at 0:09?

did it run out of gas at 0:09?

Wait, that's not a guitar, that's a bass lmao.

Wait, that's not a guitar, that's a bass lmao.

a bass guitar :(

Most of you guys probably haven't seen my youtube channel since I deleted my old one, so check out this video, and subscribe to my channel if you want. I post stuff semi-regularly now.

I've been playing guitar a lot more in the past couple years and I feel like I'm ready to start producing my own music and stuff.

I have a Facebook page too, you can find it on my Youtube page.

Sounds really nice