Author Topic: Cat died. D:  (Read 1234 times)

I had a cat named dallas, it was a he, Dallas was outside the house because he likes to be outside every once in a while and we heard some commotion outside - a dog was fighting Dallas. Dallas tried to defend himself but the dog bit his leg real hard and made it bleeeeeeed. Sent him to the vet, the vet said he maybe wouldn't make it but it's uncertain whether he will live or die. Next morning, my dad walked into the room and said that Dallas didn't make it.
I almost cried. We buried him in the backyard in a box. He's still in the backyard right now..


what's with all the cats dying

I'm sorry for your loss, OP.

Sorry bout your cat mate.

Teach that dog a lesson

Misread as "car died"
I'm an idiot

so many cats dying lately
this makes me sad

Dog bit you cat's leg and killed it? Bite the dog's leg back.

Sorry for your loss.

Awh :c

Reminds me of when I buried my neighbors cat, it had been ran over and then attacked by a dog. A very nasty thing to bury, they couldn't do it cause they didn't have the stomach to.