Author Topic: what do i do with this open space in minecraft?  (Read 2083 times)

i have a cobblestone generator and a farm already. there's an infinite spring in this sandy area with a sugar cane farm too. what do i do with the rest of space I dug out for this area?

1. Goes in minecraft thread
2. Farm farm farm farm farm you can never have too much farm

1. Goes in minecraft thread
2. Farm farm farm farm farm you can never have too much farm
i have a farm already
also it's huge, like 1 story tall and isnt even full yet
« Last Edit: November 14, 2013, 11:44:55 PM by TheKid »

Make very very verrry small pixel art

Redstone contraptions
have not gotten down to redstone level in my mine

If you were playing multiplayer i would suggest a sugarcane farm for big $$dosh$$ but you're not so i dunno.

Build a North Korean sized nuke in secrecy there.

why would you make a whole new topic for this and NOT post it in the megathread?

Make a convenience base.

nuclear shelter for when creepers are launched from catapaults and you are bombed with TNT
or for just when there is a ton of creepers and someone planted ticking TNT infront of your door

fill it with signs saying "swagswagswagswagswagswagswags wag"
it will be the swag room

fill it with signs saying "swagswagswagswagswagswagswags wag"
it will be the swag room