Author Topic: My parents will not stop bothering me.  (Read 4246 times)

The backstory:

Over the summer I herniated a disc in my lower spine. It caused a lot of pain in my back and my legs making me unable to participate in football for the first few weeks. I slowly started making my way back but one day while doing contact I got hit and I had the pain all again. I finally started going to physical therapy and was back into football. I was doing fine and played a couple games. Then one game near the end I was thrown and landed pretty hard on my back and legs. The pain was back and I played a few more plays but was limping around. So I sat the rest of the game.

While the big rival game is coming up on Wednesday and I've made the choice, along with my coaches that it would be best for me not to play. My parents now will not stop. Everyday they ask me if I practiced and I say no. They think its the biggest mistake I've made in my life. My dads says "Oh you made a commitment to the team and you should play even if youre limping" I've told them that I know exactly whats going to happen. Ill go to practice, the pain will come back, Ill get in like 2 plays then Ill be out for the rest of the game. My dad thinks that I dont want to play anymore, which I do but they dont understand how hard it is for me either. The dad also says that Im "Looking out for myself when I should be looking out for the team"

Anyways they keep on bugging me to play saying that my decision is wrong and makes them "sick to their stomachs". I think Im making a smart decision to not play. Im still in pain currently and think it would be stupid. They think that Im going to be super regretful down the road.

TL;DR Parents want me to play on Wednesday with my injured back and I told them it wouldnt be a good idea.

Your dad is stupidly competitive.

Your dad is stupidly competitive.
That how I feel too. I feel like his pride is getting in the way.

are you white?

injure their backs and expect results.

Welp, just tell him the truth every time he mentions that game.

Next time you get asked say "forget off, I said no.". Don't modify it, say it exactly like that!

Sounds quite cruel to want someone to play when they're in pain and have back problems.

No offence to them, but your parents have their priorities seriously wrong if they put a school game before their child's health.
A game is just a tiny part of your life, win or lose.
A back injury (especially one exacerbated by rough sport) can be damaging for the rest of your life.

What kind of bizarro world are you living in? Like the parents should be the responsible ones not wanting you to further complicate your injuries.

the reason i avoid sports is the time commitment/physical injuries/pointless drama for no apparent reward

My dad asked me if Im afraid of getting hurt

Of course Im afraid of hurting my back anymore. 1 High School Football Game < Rest of my high school sports seasons

He said I "Shouldnt be afraid of getting hurt. If it happens it happens"

If it happens it happens"
"If you become a loving vegetable, then you become a loving vegetable. Not a big deal hurr"

My dad asked me if Im afraid of getting hurt

Of course Im afraid of hurting my back anymore. 1 High School Football Game < Rest of my high school sports seasons

He said I "Shouldnt be afraid of getting hurt. If it happens it happens"
Next time you get asked say "forget off, I said no.". Don't modify it, say it exactly like that!

My dad asked me if Im afraid of getting hurt

Of course Im afraid of hurting my back anymore. 1 High School Football Game < Rest of my high school sports seasons

He said I "Shouldnt be afraid of getting hurt. If it happens it happens"
tell him "A herniated disc could get worse if more injures happen, Which may become permanent, And I have a higher risk of being paralyzed by injuries"  if no say this in a serous  voice  " I could die"