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Author Topic: DrumStix's Island Fortwars! [New Content] [Please Read!]  (Read 10038 times)

DrumStix's Fortwars!

Hello Everyone! I will be using RTB hosting and I need moderators! I will be hosting Island Fortwars and  I would really appreciate it if you would join and give me feedback of how it is! I will later, in the future host a prison escape, and DMs.



1) Do not BuildKill (This means if someone is building, do not kill them.)
2) Do not spam your builds, build properly and use baseplate/terrain brick before you build, if failure to do so, all spam builds will be deleted.
3) Do not troll, or flame, (flaming is when someone joins your server, just to say how bad it is or to tell someone how much they hate them)


Fortwars is a game where you build your base to fight or defend others! When you spawn, you may build anywhere you like on the map, as long as it's not a spam build. You may choose any weapon/vehicle as long as you do not spam the projectiles, spamming projectiles will result into a ban. But the #1 rule is to have fun!


Spawn Island: Status: Complete!

Build Island Status: 0% Complete.

Help/Rules Island Status: 0% Complete

More Content Coming Soon!

If you would like to be a Moderator, Submit your Application like this-

Why Should You be Moderator?

Current Staff
DrumStix [Host]
XR_7 [Super Admin]
Hyperion [Admin]
Psyche [Admin]
Jibblito [Super Admin]
Gadget [Admin]
Bernit [Admin]
Champion108 [Admin]
KfAmped [Admin]
A-spec [Admin]

Do not make your application look sloppy, remeber, I usually judge on how the application looks, and how neat it is. Please make it look nice. You MUST Have at least 3 recommendations.


Admin Rules:

1) Do not orb around the map. You must be like a normal player and walk to your destination.
2) Do not abuse your admin powers. If you do this it will result into a demotion, and possibly a ban.
3) Play fair, just because your admin doesn't mean you have to be a jerk and free kill people.

I will let you know if you are accepted or denied, as soon as I can. Thank You!

Builders/Eventers needed

I need some helpers that are great with building/eventing, if you would like to help make this server better please send me a PM to me. I do not want people who say "I am OK at building/eventing..." I want helpers who are ready for anything, and actually have a talent of building. Helpers are needed, and I would appreciate it if you could help.


« Last Edit: December 06, 2013, 09:07:02 PM by DrumStix »

You should post some pictures of some of the builds.

You should post some pictures of some of the builds.

Yeah this would be helpful.

Quote from: XR_7's Admin Application
Blockland Admin Application for DrumStix's Servers

Hey guys! To those of you who do not know, I am XR_7. I am applying for an administrator position for DrumStix's servers.

In-game name: XR_7

BL_ID: 50690 (Do not be fooled by the high ID. I have been around Blockland for about five years or so now.)

Past Experiences: Pretty well recommended moderator at Tezuni's servers; get along with all the admins (mostly Eagle, KfAmped, Paradigm, Abstract). I interact with the other players more than most moderators do. Admin work at a few low-end servers.

Hosts include:
WorstedBark3 (ID: 15144) [Super Admin]
Dead Space (ID: 30242) [Admin]
Marshmallow (ID: 33525) [Admin]
General _______ (forgot his name) (ID: Unknown) [Admin]
Eclipse5062 (ID: 36171) [Admin]
Chester Molester (Most likely ID (has many impersonations): 38563) [Admin]
Mr Queeba (ID: 44574) [Admin]
Vovka5545 (ID: 41536) [Admin]

I usually just get admin because of minor eventing help and player management. In the case of WorstedBark3 and Vovka5545, I am admin for building and server setup.

Why Do You Want To Be Admin?: Trying to move up in the world, can't stand it when I'm watching people spam the chatbox to kingdom come and no one can do anything about it. Just trying to be overall helpful.  Also, in my five years of being on Blockland, I don't think I have ever been called a badmin.

When Am I Available?: I am usually on Blockland whenever I get the chance. Usually, this is after school is out and have freetime. Look for me between 4pm and 11pm on the weekdays. On the weekends, my activity is random, but usually between 7am and 1am.

Contact Information: Having trouble and need help? I'm okay with being reached for any issues you have with a server I help with. Contact me for bad players, glitches (I'll help as best I can), etc).

Zapkraft: XR_7
Steam (not on often, but welcome to try): xr_7
Blockland Forums: XR-7
RTB chat (I have messaging open to public; this is also the easiest and fastest way to reach me.): XR_7
Skype: XRSeven

Note: If trying to reach me on Blockland, note that my brother uses the same computer for his account. His account is different from mine though, so you probably won't have any trouble.

My Administrating Technique: Since my usual experience around handling people is being a Tezuni moderator (been about 5 months now). I strive to be on of the better mods to bring Justice (fairness in dealing with others), Excellence (bring the server to the top), and Happiness (Have fun everyone!) (JEH, made up the acronym just now) to all the players. My way of handling players goes at follows:

Minor Issues such as Unintentional Spam/Rage (caps, repetitive messages, angry outbursts), Player Harassment, etc:

First time = Warning
Second time = Another warning, usually more stern than before (calling them out, acting annoyed)
Third time = Usually a mute, sometimes a kick (depends on circumstance)
Fourth time = By now, it just looks like trolling; always kick/short ban (1-6 hours)

Moderate Issues such as freekilling, disrespect towards authority, angry spam fits, bullying, etc:

First time = Warning (depending on circumstance, such as ignorance, will be a kick)
Second time = Kick/mute
Third time = Second kick, a warning about impending ban
Fourth time = Ban (1-24 hours)

Severe Issues such as hacking, cheating, spamming the chat box repeatedly as to make people want to leave, lagging/crashing servers, etc:

First time: 1-7 day ban
Second time: Permanent Ban (Any problems that have to do with the welfare of the server(s) will result in a first-offense permanent ban.)

Reception: I have held down my moderator position at Tezuni's servers since June 2013. Most players who get moderator do something irresponsible and do not last anywhere near that long. I am also greeted every time I join the server by admins and players alike. When there is a problem, I listen to all the complaints. If the complaint is irrelevant or has some unknown solution, I will explain why and not just say, "no" or "I don't care." I will try to resolve the issue, and if I can't, well, I can't.

Other Notes: The only complaints I've ever gotten at Tezuni's are from the people breaking the rules resisting discipline. Even though I have admin at his server now, Chester The Molester once said I was being too naive. Sometimes, yeah, I do give people a few too many chances. This has nothing to do with trying to maintain popularity, I just want to keep as many players at the server as possible. If there is any method of discipline other than banning that would fit the situation (muting/kicking), I resort to that. However, if the player is a repeat offender, someone trying to cause trouble (trolling fits here), or threatens the server, I make sure to remove them for the sake of everyone.

Edit: Accidentally missed recommendations...just copied my friends list and added others that I somewhat know.

Recommendations: Fennis, Tophat, Eagle, KfAmped, Brian*, Paradigm, ChocolateToast, mitterdoo, Eclipse5062, 4x4racer, Georges, BluetoothBoy (forum name, unsure if that's his in-game name), Abstract, Delta Squadron, Apak, Dawn, Filipe1020, Illuminati, Knox, HunterG, Psp, Redey1290, thElite Pigeon, Tavros Nitram, Delta Pro, Xephifre, yawa200, Wink, Epicentre (Note: These are just people who I get along with pretty well, not necessarily my friends)

Lol you know quite well that I just copied and pasted this :) although I did remove a few things.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2013, 03:17:11 PM by XR-7 »

you know how easy it is to fake admin recs? As-well, you can pretty much fake everything for an admin app, you just need a group of friends, or a mod that replaces someone name. Smart people don't use admin apps, because they know its not trustworthy and not a good way to get admins...

So yeah.... could I be admin now?

you know how easy it is to fake admin recs? As-well, you can pretty much fake everything for an admin app, you just need a group of friends, or a mod that replaces someone name. Smart people don't use admin apps, because they know its not trustworthy and not a good way to get admins...

Bad admins lose admin though.  They won't cause much damage.  Granted there is that small possibilty...

Bad admins lose admin though.  They won't cause much damage.  Granted there is that small possibilty...
Clearing bricks... banning people, banning SAs, banning everyone from the server, creating traps in builds, giving people unfair weapons, if you fabricate for SA, banning the host, giving yourself host powers, de-admining everyone and turning server to stuff...

and then fake applications

Yeah this would be helpful.

Lol you know quite well that I just copied and pasted this :) although I did remove a few things.


Lol, I know you and trust you, I will put you as admin next time I see you.

Clearing bricks... banning people, banning SAs, banning everyone from the server, creating traps in builds, giving people unfair weapons, if you fabricate for SA, banning the host, giving yourself host powers, de-admining everyone and turning server to stuff...

These aren't super admin apps.


Lol, I know you and trust you, I will put you as admin next time I see you.

Thanks :)

You should post some pictures of some of the builds.

Ok, I added a pic of the map that I am currently working on. Thanks.

Ok, I added a pic of the map that I am currently working on. Thanks.

You can also post it like this:

Put image tags around it.

Ok thanks, and this is the afghan map, but I am modifying it.

Name: Gadget

BL_ID: 30659 (don't judge me)

Age: 13 (14 on Dec. 8)

Experiences: I've had experiences with being a staff member on a few other games (Minecraft, etc.), and I don't know if I'm a good admin, but people say I'm a fun admin. I've had experiences with dealing with trolls, spammers, and just flat-out shove-my-opinion-down-your-throat people. I can be the fun type, but also the annoying type, considering I have ADHD + OCD.

Recommendations: Blockland555 (Mine Tur), Loly, Kepp, Carbon Zypher, The Blocker

Why Should You be Admin?: Because I feel I can make the server a tad bit better. I have ideas for cool gamemodes and additions to the maps, and I can do some eventing for the server. I can't build well, but I can event pretty good.

I'm gonna need some luck to get this applied.



Age: 17

Experiences: I have administrated on various servers, and various games. I am good at dealing with trolls and I can also deal with arguments very well. I don't get sucked into arguing with people and I stand behind the rules. (Enforcing them)

Recommendations: DrenDran, Super Business Man, Ostinyo (Feel free to message them, they will vouch for me)

Why Should You be Admin? Like I said above, I am mature and I dont feel the need to argue over the internet, I deal with problems rationally and I dont let things get personal. I feel that I can help improve the server, whether it be suggesting things, or actually building or scripting things for it.



Age: 17

Experiences: I have administrated on various servers, and various games. I am good at dealing with trolls and I can also deal with arguments very well. I don't get sucked into arguing with people and I stand behind the rules. (Enforcing them)

Recommendations: DrenDran, Super Business Man, Ostinyo (Feel free to message them, they will vouch for me)

Why Should You be Admin? Like I said above, I am mature and I dont feel the need to argue over the internet, I deal with problems rationally and I dont let things get personal. I feel that I can help improve the server, whether it be suggesting things, or actually building or scripting things for it.


I will be sure to put you as admin next time I see you. Congrats!