Author Topic: The Marines finally called me.  (Read 20562 times)

i know but people are acting like i have a sworn duty to the military

who's acting like that?

and obviously you don't even understand what i'm saying because i'm clearly contradicting you

who's acting like that?

and obviously you don't even understand what i'm saying because i'm clearly contradicting you
Why did you sign up if you don't want to go?

I understand what you're saying. I know Im not accepted yet. I signed up to be contacted but I can back out now.

Just saying is kinda like college where you send in your information, they tell you you're accepted but you decide not to go. Its not that big of a deal just telling people that just because I signed up for contact doesnt mean I have to join lol

When I was a senior in high school the marines and army always used to show up at my doorstep with free pens and lanyards asking me to enlist. No idea why they tried so hard.

Marines are dumbasses lol

Join Air Force.

Marines are dumbasses lol

Join Air Force.
I don't really have a problem with the airforces like this guy, but the Air Force is cooler.

umm the military is one of the few institutions in the country right now with half-decent job security, comprehensive healthcare and a retirement plan.

wouldnt you rather have a real job in your married life than getting a four year degree to flip burgers?

Not if I wouldn't be able to start my married life until I go on leave or retire. lol

I already developed a career plan from when I signed up until now, when I don't want to do it anymore, though. We should get by just fine if it all works out. I have plenty of backups that don't include the military.

Besides, I already went through the burger flipping process. :3
« Last Edit: December 03, 2013, 09:46:19 PM by Moonstar Akemi »

Marines has no benefits at all, and that's all I'm going to say. I have my preferences on armed service branches and you have yours. But when I go navy or air force, I'll get college tuition, additional pay, health-care benefits, etc you get nothing.

You get those things no matter what branch you're part of. Are you like really stupid or talking out of your ass? I guess it's unfair to assume the two are mutually exclusive though.

and on the marine corps' website they even go as far to say they are PROUD to give you nothing.

source please

But if you're okay with that and you're willing to give up four+ years of your life for band with minimal pay, go for it bro! Follow your dreams!

four years and you have four years of extremely respectable job experience, a full-ride through college, tens of thousands of dollars since you dont have to pay any expenses during those years. there a million reasons why completing a 4-year enlistment is always a good idea if the option is available.

Not if I wouldn't be able to start my married life until I go on leave or retire. lol

I already developed a career plan from when I signed up until now, that I don't want to do it anymore, though. We should get by just fine if it all works out. I have plenty of backups that don't include the military.

your family can live with you and housing is free and paid for after you get your first assignment out of basic.

and with obama pulling all the troops out of the middle east the odds of you getting a deployment where you'd be separated from your family is very low.

most likely your overseas deployments will be to some european country where your housing is free and your kids get to go to a fancy, ludicricrously expensive international school for free because those are the only schools around that teach in english. and then if you don't use your GI bill, you can have one of your kids go to college almost anywhere in the world absolutely free courtesy of the US govt. your entire family will also have free access to a comprehensive healthcare plan with extremely low deductibles and coverage for everything. you'll also have a life insurance policy and free dental for your entire family.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2013, 09:51:32 PM by Stocking »

Why would you even want to get married to some dumpy chick who will potentially let you throw away your career for her? If you don't go marine think about all the sluts you won't be ass-slamming.

Get your priorities straight boy.

This is what actual civilians actually believe, folks.
what? there's something wrong with not liking marines? lol

The robots have taken over the Navy!

All the branches have their advantages and disadvantages. I have a friend who is already in the Marines and already has a ship date for BCT, he's going to be a tank mechanic. Another of my friends is joining the Marines as infantry, he's already speaking to recruiters. I also have a few friends who are joining the Navy, and one who is in the delayed entry program and he's going in as a Corpsman. There are multiple people I know, myself included, interested in the Air Force and the Army. I also have a friend in the USCG and another who is going to enlist. All the branches have their own purposes, and while you all may say what you're doing is just a "friendly rivalry," that's bullstuff because I doubt any of you are actually in the Armed Forces, the only people I know of on the forums that are in the Armed Forces are Shinji (army AFAIK), Bones4 (air force) and possibly Monocle. So please just stop arguing. If you're going to argue about the different branches, don't just read up on all the great things (that they purposefully make sound sweeter than they actually are) that the branch you support has. Look and compare all the other branches' abilities, advantages and their usage before you argue like without any knowledge of what you're getting into.

Marines are dumbasses lol
Soldiers and airmen are stupid lol
even the navy
all the branches have their stupid people
« Last Edit: December 03, 2013, 10:48:03 PM by Harm94 »

Civilians with no expirience of military life that call any of the branches stupid are stupid

Soldiers and airmen are stupid lol
even the navy
all the branches have their stupid people

wow millitary such serious wowe much offical

Dude if you were stuck in the middle of nowhere for 6 months with nothing to do but sit around and fap you would find some way to have fun. Fun fact: Military personnel are humans too and need to be entertained sometimes

marines band is stuff navy band is actually good

going into the military to be in a band however is a new league of friendry