Author Topic: Counter Strike: Global Offensive Thread v2 - OP by KelBlock  (Read 477672 times)

guys im gonna try git gud
I've been raging about AWP and ak47 a lot and that was when I was drinking a lot of caffeine and that really makes me hyper but I'm calmer now so I'm gonna eat something then play casual like a scrub
gib tips

I unlocked two cases and got a Man O' War skin for my Negev and Pulse for my SG 553
« Last Edit: August 10, 2015, 05:44:23 AM by Ceist »

Halfway through the match and our games just lags. We were tied and now we've won two rounds due to the T's running out of time, because we're stuck in spawn.
One time that happened to everyone in the server except for me. I could just run to CT spawn every round and ace. It was quite funny but stupidly unfair.

played a game on overpass recently, i don't have a microphone (and i don't have the money for a decent one so don't say get a mic) and someone said "why do people play csgo if you don't have a mic"
we lost, he was bottom frag and didn't listen to the only other guy with a microphone anyways, he would rush into park on ct side while we can only buy pistols and smigs

spitfire famas is also hot

I never played with a mic at all (Well, technically I did, but it was just for playing motivational nasheed at half-time and Tables Turnover at the end of the match) so I always just took orders, occasionally typing very quickly during reloads or something.
Apparently my typing speed has actually impressed people with the amount of info I can get out while fumbling around with a magazine, so that's cool I guess, this is a skill that has transferred well to Insurgency.

i generally hate people who don't use their mic
especially at higher ranks when people are actually better and communication is key

i swear me and my friends always get paired with mutes
like, they'll go forget off in some other direction while we're doing stuff, die, then wont even tell us where they are, where they're coming from or anything. the least you could do if you were gonna throw your life away is tell us what happened

Bye bye Nova, hello MG.

i swear me and my friends always get paired with mutes
like, they'll go forget off in some other direction while we're doing stuff, die, then wont even tell us where they are, where they're coming from or anything. the least you could do if you were gonna throw your life away is tell us what happened
there's a map

there's a map
I should clarify. I know where the teammate died, but after that they generally wont tell us what they saw while randomly pushing. Information like "3 at A" or "1 pushing long" goes a long way in winning the round.

finally got to lvl 3 and im 2 wins away from getting ranked :)