Author Topic: 2013/12/22 - Blockland r1922  (Read 34333 times)

Can we make the typing emote mod default? I would like to see it on all servers...not just on the ones with smart hosts.

Why do you need it?

Badspot should at least make the chat more easily editable though, people end up breaking it trying to modify it because it's so difficult.

He should fix the mouse flip out with resolution problems first.

I crash when wrenching bot holes.

Code: (console.log) [Select]
GuiControl::awaken: failed onWake for obj: wrenchBot_LoadingWindow

Add-Ons/Bot_Hole/wrenchBotDlg.cs (268): Unable to find object: 'wrenchBot_LoadingWindow' attempting to call function 'setVisible'
BackTrace: ->clientCmdOpenWrenchBotHack->clientCmdOpenwrenchBotDlg->[NewServerListPackage]Canvas::pushDialog->[RTB_Modules_Client_ConnectClient]Canvas::pushDialog->[CanvasCursor]GuiCanvas::pushDialog->wrenchBotDlg::onWake

Add-Ons/Bot_Hole/client.cs (63): Unable to find object: 'wrenchBot_LoadingWindow' attempting to call function 'setVisible'
BackTrace: ->[ClientBotHolePackage]clientCmdWrenchLoadingDone

Badspot should at least make the chat more easily editable though, people end up breaking it trying to modify it because it's so difficult.
All compiled scripts should be released in original source so people can modify things properly.

All compiled scripts should be released in original source so people can modify things properly.

Can we make the typing emote mod default? I would like to see it on all servers...not just on the ones with smart hosts.
you can see who is typing at the top left corner of the screen

ummm, it says the "Gamemode_something_whatever_o r_something" file is missing. I can't remember the entire thing so I filled it in with somethings, whatevers, ors, and somethings.
Like this guy had:
Something wrong?

I'm on OSX 10.6.8 and running on Steam.
Edit: Solution: Duplicate the zip, remove copy and replace it with a space, extract it, remove the space on the folder, launch the game. There's probably a simpler way, but that's exactly what I ended up doing. You will see 3 of the xmas gamemodes in your thing, but at least they work!
« Last Edit: December 28, 2013, 11:45:43 PM by superdupercoolguy »

Not sure if this is reported yet, but I found a bug.

1. Open server list.
2. Attempt to join a friend through steam.
3. Error when attempting to connect. (eg, server full, or something)
4. Main menu buttons will show up over the server list.


The auth/master servers are down.

How come I don't see the game mode Blockheads Ruin Xmas when I click the button "Start Game?"

Really nice new gamemode! Especially Santa and the map in general is pretty cool.

That santa has one MEAN throw!