Author Topic: Traumatizing stuff.  (Read 5721 times)

I saw my dog taken by coyotes. On the last Monday of October, someone left the back door open so he went out. He was barking a lot so I went to check it out. He was hanging by his neck from 1 of coyotes' mouth. I started to scream and that's when they jumped the fence and ran into the wilderness. Behind our back yard is a steep forest and it was night so we could not follow them. We just herd yipping from him as they went farther away. Then he stopped. All we could find days later was 2 of his feet and his collar.
You coward! You should have gotten the hunting rifle quickly and shot those damn coyotes!

Not my story but my friend told me about a time when he was working removing an old woodfire oven from a house, apparently 2 possums had managed to fall through the ceiling or something and got trapped behind the oven, which was then used multiple times.
So yeah he found the bodies of 2 possums that had been trapped and burnt alive.
He had to clean it out and stuff too.

You coward! You should have gotten the hunting rifle quickly and shot those damn coyotes!
You're stupid.
He might not have a hunting rifle. He also said it was dark out, and couldn't chase after them even if he did. Forests are scary loving places at night.

stop posting.

anyways OP, they're just some dead rabbits, aint that big of a deal.
sure but to see dead, devapitated baby bunnies and the smell too is pretty shocking

It's pretty well known that mammals will kill and eat their young if they get the feeling that having them around is going to get them killed, after all they can just squirt out a bunch more later. It's just a survival thing and leaving the bodies around generally throws predators off their trail.
All this said, I'm pretty used to dealing with assorted animal bits- chickens will eat anything that's small enough and mice infestations in chicken coops will often result in uneaten tails and feet lying around.

Once our cat drug in a rabbit... she had torn the rabbit in half and the guts were in the floor.

i once saw a sandwich with no mayonnaise

I once stepped on a baby lizard by accident. It's loving stomach popped out and it was just very disgusting.

jesus christ these stories are horrifying

golly i have tons of animal stories. allow me to learn you some things:

when i lived at my old house, we had huge ass pastures and fields, so we used to have a lot of farm animals. unfortunately, we didnt have the most "secure" fence surrounding our barn area, so of course dogs and coyotes would come and help themselves to the goats we used to have.

i remember one time while we where inspecting the damage of a coyote attack and my dad had picked up a dead goat by its tail and i guess he didnt see it was mauled in half (not totally sure how you miss that) but when he lifted it up it literally broke in half in his hands and guts went everywhere.

another time i remember was when my mom got a little brown dog to compensate for a tiny goat killer we got rid of. it was the most normal dog ever, i mean it had no signs of injury or sickness or anything, and then one day i go into the laundry only to find it throwing up and stuffting blood all over the place.

yeah he didn't make it

ok so heres a little lesson i learned the hard way: always check to make sure cats aren't hiding in a car engine during the winter. one time on the way to school, we turned the car on, a weird scraping sound was heard and then the car stopped. i wasn't allowed to see what was under the hood basically

we only found another cat in our engine once, but this has a happy ending cause he was actually alive and in one piece when we found him. imagine everyones reaction at that gas station when we pulled a baby cat out from the engine lol

i feel like a lot of you are reading these stories and are like "holy stuff you're so cruel to your animals ;-:" and i would just like to make it clear that we never wanted our animals to suffer lol. we always fed and took care of our animals to the best of our abilities but either other animals killed them off, they got sick, or they accidentally ended themselves.

animal sickness on farms is a wonky situation for people cause if its bad to the point where the animal is suffering and it s going to cost nearly two thousand dollars to cure it? you're better off putting it down old yeller style. its quick, painless, and free and unfortunately that happens a lot.


I saw my dog taken by coyotes. On the last Monday of October, someone left the back door open so he went out. He was barking a lot so I went to check it out. He was hanging by his neck from 1 of coyotes' mouth. I started to scream and that's when they jumped the fence and ran into the wilderness. Behind our back yard is a steep forest and it was night so we could not follow them. We just herd yipping from him as they went farther away. Then he stopped. All we could find days later was 2 of his feet and his collar.

I hate coyotes now.

ok so heres a little lesson i learned the hard way: always check to make sure cats aren't hiding in a car engine during the winter. one time on the way to school, we turned the car on, a weird scraping sound was heard and then the car stopped. i wasn't allowed to see what was under the hood basically

Um, yeah.

My woodshop teacher told us the most handicapped story I've ever heard:

     He was at the zoo with his daughter and they went to watch the chimpanzees (or some sort of primate) for a while.  When they looked in the cage, they were all huddled around something.  They were all looking down on a nest of newborn baby rabbits.  One of the chimps went and picked up one of them and held it in the palm of its hand looking at it and smelling it.
     Then the chimp decided it was bored and dropped the newborn rabbit on the ground, it bounced, and then tried crawling away.  After seeing it moving, it picked up the rabbit again and repeated.  All the chimps thought this was hilarious and grabbed a rabbit from the nest.  They all started throwing their rabbits on the ground.
     Soon, they all became curious on how far they could get away with.  One of them grabbed a rabbit by the feet and the neck and PULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLED until the rabbit snapped in half.  Another one put a rabbit in it's and bit right through it, leaving the head and upper torso.  Everyone in the zoo was screaming like crazy and the zookeepers were freaking out.  The chimp who bit through the rabbit turned and looked at the glass and stuck a bone out of its mouth.

Good times.

A couple years back, there was a lot of meowing coming from the garage. Eventually, it was getting so loud, that we decided to scour the garage for whatever cat had gotten inside.

Turns out a mother cat had given birth right outside our garage and left one of the baby cats behind. It crawled through a little hole in the nylon mesh we have at the bottom of the wall, but couldn't climb back out. It sat in the corner of the garage behind my dad's workbench for maybe 3 days.

We decided to feed it, have it spayed, and then maybe keep it or give it away to a friend/the Humane Society.

Well stuff, that cat did not want that.

We spent around 3 hours chasing the cat around the garage. We'd get close enough to capture it, and then the little motherforgeter would somehow get onto the cabinets next to the workbench. Eventually, it climbed into the wheel well of my dad's car. We could hear it, but couldn't see it nor get it out, so we decided to wait for it to come out of its own accord.

A couple hours later, we had to go out and my mom's car was in the shop. I wasn't sure that the cat had made it out of the wheel well until the car started, and we all heard a screeching noise before the little stuff jumped out of the wheel well covered in motor oil before running into the grass.

Cute cat, too. It was black, and a little less than a foot long. A kitten, obviously.

i once saw a sandwich with no mayonnaise

I once...

left the twisty off the wonder bread

i took a picture with a bengal tiger when i was 3
it wasn't in a cage
i was lucky it wasn't hungry