Author Topic: The Koreans have Discovered Blockland  (Read 4896 times)

First Korean guy was really impressed with our ghost brick based building system, that's really the only real detail to glean from the video. Which is good, because I'm sure everyone heard "Minecraft" a lot in his dialogue, and our building system is a large part of what sets us apart and what made him realized that he was in for a whole new shebang. And this one didn't take Korean to figure out, but he really liked the idea of jetting.
Second video was harder to make out because it was a bunch of guys on sub-par mics but there was nothing noteworthy as far as I could tell, just some guys goofing off on a silly server.
My Russki's comparably awful but that guy's actually fairly well known, and, uh, yeah, he sure does dig the server download times... Seemed to like the art style in Bushido's T+T weapons that were on the first server he played on, but understandably had some criticisms of vehicle handling until he started winning.

First Korean guy was really impressed with our ghost brick based building system, that's really the only real detail to glean from the video. Which is good, because I'm sure everyone heard "Minecraft" a lot in his dialogue, and our building system is a large part of what sets us apart and what made him realized that he was in for a whole new shebang. And this one didn't take Korean to figure out, but he really liked the idea of jetting.
Second video was harder to make out because it was a bunch of guys on sub-par mics but there was nothing noteworthy as far as I could tell, just some guys goofing off on a silly server.
My Russki's comparably awful but that guy's actually fairly well known, and, uh, yeah, he sure does dig the server download times... Seemed to like the art style in Bushido's T+T weapons that were on the first server he played on, but understandably had some criticisms of vehicle handling until he started winning.
It's pretty obvious what the korean guy is excited over based on his tone/talking speed.

The russians have found my server! ;o
« Last Edit: December 28, 2013, 08:08:17 AM by Tezuni 2.0 »

kim jung un has infiltrated bwocrand

Understood every word the Korean was saying.

He kept on saying BL reminds him a lot of Minecraft.

EDIT: The second one was about a gay bar.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2013, 09:29:28 AM by nixton »

This is pretty cool. Only thing is, is their connection horrible? I mean Blockland's hosted in the US if I am correct (don't quote me on it), but would that mean they have awful ping?

This is pretty cool. Only thing is, is their connection horrible? I mean Blockland's hosted in the US if I am correct (don't quote me on it), but would that mean they have awful ping?
I don't think the ping would be a problem, since I play many games on korean servers (Like Starcraft, of course), which is hosted in Korea, and I live in NJ, but I still don't have any issues.

i wonder how the jews will feel when they see Tezuni's Holocaust RP

he sure does dig the server download times
I'm actually surprised because loading times are appalling.

That russian guy made blockland look horrible lol

That russian guy made blockland look horrible lol
thanks blockland community

How so?
He was rushing through it and forgeted up.


he got banned on tezuni's and he looked mad lol