Author Topic: Does anyone else feel bad when they kill/torture a Sim?(If you have played Sims)  (Read 1371 times)

For example, I was playing Sims 3 tonight. I had a slobby Sim and a married woman living in my house.
The woman had a husband and a child, But (I have the Gun's system mod) I got a pistol and shot her. I felt bad afterwards because I felt like I ruined a father and sons life, along with making MY main Sim depressed.
I know they're not real people but it does make me feel awful still.
Anyone else feel like this?

Link to guns mod for sims 3 please.

I've drowned my adopted black baby before. Does that count?

I've been meaning to play Sims 3 again with some mods to forget up the character creation so i can create demons and have guns as well. That way I can torture them all I want and still feel sane about myself.

Sims are our toys, They want and deserve it.

The closest thing to a sim I've played

some sim game for DOS or something.  Really old.  I destroyed everything for no reason.  Hehehe

You thought you would enjoy killing her at first? derp

I've been meaning to play Sims 3 again with some mods to forget up the character creation so i can create demons and have guns as well. That way I can torture them all I want and still feel sane about myself.
I forgot to mention, The slobby Sim I created had a forgeted up face like that.
Is it Narass's mod or whatever?

It's always fun leaving them in a pool and removing the ladder.

It's always fun leaving them in a pool and removing the ladder.
I'm assuming they drown after a while?

I'm assuming they drown after a while?
The moment their energy hits rock bottom, they die.