Author Topic: Server Pictures  (Read 1653 times)

For the loading screen. I get tired of looking at a cartoon desert. Maybe it could be gamemode specific. Or set in your blockland folder.

bump because this is a good idea

i'd like it to be gamemode specific, that'd be neat

but we also need an addon for custom backgrounds

i'd like it to be gamemode specific, that'd be neat

but we also need an addon for custom backgrounds
I like to think I made a topic on that. . .
  The loading screen of a server is by default a simple "loading" image. What I request is for there to be a way in which you can place inside a game modes zip file a third image besides the thumb nail and preview. This image is larger so it does not need to stretch to fit and becomes the loading screen image. This would be exactly like how a picture of the map was shown on the loading screen when you joined a server with that map.

  If this is possible I would also like to see going beyond and having a sub folder filled with a few images of the game modes build that would cycle in a slideshow just like the main menus.

Ideally also with this in place if the game mode has no loading image the default one is shown. Custom is updated to show the main menu slide show.

Thanks for the inspiration, this will be my new project.

Basically the server host will upload their 1024x768 image to a site (I will be creating) which will be reviewed and accepted/rejected. The host sets the given image ID via an RTB pref (slash command too, I suppose).
I'm keeping the site idea, but I think i'm going to have a report feature instead of an approval system.

When the client connects, it sends the ID to them, while the client downloads the image and displays it on the loading screen (if the image is accepted).
« Last Edit: January 22, 2014, 10:18:23 PM by Subpixel »

Thanks for the inspiration, this will be my new project.

Basically the server host will upload their 1024x768 image to a site (I will be creating) which will be reviewed and accepted/rejected. The host sets the given image ID via an RTB pref (slash command too, I suppose).

When the client connects, it sends the ID to them, while the client downloads the image and displays it on the loading screen (if the image is accepted).
Could you also make a version of what I requested and have something slideshow things in the screenshots folder/some new slideshow folder?

I actually had something like or exactly this. I think the original author locked and removed the link of it. Also it's on my PC, I'm on my laptop.

I'd like it to be a default thing rather than an addon because then people could just put an image into their "" folder.

Would it be possible to give the person loading the server preview picture that's on the website's server list?

Would it be possible to give the person loading the server preview picture that's on the website's server list?
pretty sure I was making this before, I might still have some of the code somewhere

Thanks for the inspiration, this will be my new project.

Basically the server host will upload their 1024x768 image to a site (I will be creating) which will be reviewed and accepted/rejected. The host sets the given image ID via an RTB pref (slash command too, I suppose).
I'm keeping the site idea, but I think i'm going to have a report feature instead of an approval system.

When the client connects, it sends the ID to them, while the client downloads the image and displays it on the loading screen (if the image is accepted).
Don't do this lol
There will be so many shock/garbage pictures being uploaded...

bump because this is a good idea

..........Thats a bit self obessed

Thanks for the inspiration, this will be my new project.

Basically the server host will upload their 1024x768 image to a site (I will be creating) which will be reviewed and accepted/rejected. The host sets the given image ID via an RTB pref (slash command too, I suppose).
I'm keeping the site idea, but I think i'm going to have a report feature instead of an approval system.

When the client connects, it sends the ID to them, while the client downloads the image and displays it on the loading screen (if the image is accepted).

It should be the game mode's logo or the server preview.

how this could work is the client could serverCmd the server
if the server responds to the client i'd give a URL and the client would download the image
then once done it'd set the image and on spawn it'd delete.