
Which one?

Fallout: 3
10 (50%)
Fallout: New Vegas
10 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 20

Author Topic: I don't know which Fallout game to buy.  (Read 1128 times)

I'm trying to decide if I should buy Fallout: 3 or Fallout: New Vegas. I just can't decide! NV has that desert feel, and 3 has that ruined apocalypse feel - I love both!  So I have these questions to ask:

Which wasteland is more interesting to explore?
Which one has more interesting encounters?
Which has better writing?
Which has more memorable characters?
Which has better gunplay and combat?
Which one is more immersive?
Which one has more enemies?
and which one has more companions?

Please share your opinions.

fallout 3 is shorter, fallout new vegas felt a bit more...bland? but both are great games

I haven't played either of them, but from what I've seen the majority of Fallout 3 fans are Bethesda fanboys and some fans of the older games seem to prefer New Vegas.

I never played the original, but I prefer 3 to NV.
I felt that 3 had a much better story and environment than NV.

Fallout New Vegas has more of literally everything.
But if you want a slightly better but more linear story. I'd say Fallout 3. Honestly both are pretty good though and if you plan on ever playing both I'd start with 3.

Buy them all.
I already have the originals.
I just want to know which one I should buy first and which one is more interesting.

Tbh, the first time I experienced New Vegas, was completely amazing and I loved it. The open and diverse world with amazing and branching quests made me replay it more than I care to admit. I haven't played Fallout 3 though, so maybe it's completely amazing and I'm being stupid.

Which wasteland is more interesting to explore? IMO Fallout 3
Which one has more interesting encounters? Both are good, I use mods for FNV though
Which has better writing? Fallout 3
Which has more memorable characters? Fallout 3
Which has better gunplay and combat? Fallout New Vegas
Which one is more immersive? Fallout 3
Which one has more enemies? Fallout New Vegas
and which one has more companions? Fallout New Vegas

IMO Fallout 3's world is sooo much better. I think it also has better DLC. New Vegas' world is kinda stuffty though it improves upon a ton of things.

Get Fallout 3, and if you're getting it for PC you just just mod it until your heart's content.

I already have the originals.
I just want to know which one I should buy first and which one is more interesting.
if you have the originals you should probably go with new vegas
the fallout 3 story kinda sucks and doesn't really make sense with the older fallouts

IMO Fallout 3's world is sooo much better. I think it also has better DLC. New Vegas' world is kinda stuffty though it improves upon a ton of things.

Get Fallout 3, and if you're getting it for PC you just just mod it until your heart's content.
This information is super useful - thank you.
If anyone else would like to share opinions, go ahead, but I'm starting to lean towards Fallout 3.

fallout 3's story is stuffty as forget

new vegas has superior combat, storytelling, enemy diversity, and modding capability