Author Topic: Build of the week | Community build showcase (ANNOUNCEMENT)  (Read 6841 times)

Quick announcement:

I don't have the time to push these videos out on a weekly basis. I'd like to continue making them, but if I promise any sort of time limit I know that I won't be able to hold myself to them due to general business. The series will be renamed "Build Showcase ##" or something to that effect. The other problem is that people just aren't submitting builds. I know a lot of you guys really enjoy these videos but if nobody bothers to send me stuff to talk about then I just can't

On the plus side though: I'll have more time to do other blockland-related stuff like mods, hosting servers, or finishing builds of my own

Watch the latest episode!

Trey what are you talking about?
For a while now I've wanted to make a weekly competition where people submit builds to me and every Wednesday I pick one and make a video about it. In it, I would talk about some of the things that make that build really good, and then some things that could be improved upon. The save for that build would be released along with the video for that week. The basis behind this idea was the impending Blockland greenlight. I thought it would be good to make quality content on a weekly basis, where new players could learn from the techniques of old players, and where everyone would be inspired by cool builds from the community. The fact that BL was greenlit on the same day I had planned to make my topic is pretty coincidental, I had hoped to be a few episodes in before that happened. In the future, I have plans to integrate some server, add-on, and gamemode reviews, but for right now I'm just going to focus on getting this off the ground smoothly.

Sounds cool! How do I submit my build?
Before submitting anything, make sure your build follows the rules below

  • All builds must show obvious quality and effort
  • All builds must be original. Try to think outside the box when you build, and don't steal credit from the work of others.
  • All builds must be complete. If your build has separate parts and you've completed just one, that's fine. However, make sure that the individual section can stand on it's own as a build.
  • All builds that make use of custom bricks or prints must include rtb-searchable names of the mods used, or a download link for private ones. If you have some custom bricks that you have but don't want released, talk to me via pm and we'll try to work something out.
  • All builds must include a save, so that I can release it. If you want to submit your build and not allow for the save to be publicized, you'll have to talk to me about that as well.
  • Try to avoid builds that are built for a certain gamemode or server-type. Things like racetracks, jail rps, deathmatch builds, and etc all have a form that follows their function. I'm only looking at the aesthetics for this series, so if your build isn't good enough based on looks alone, just wait for when I do server and gamemode reviews.

You can submit your build in a number of ways. You can submit right here in this topic, or you can send me a pm on the forums. I would strongly recommend that you include a .txt of the same name as your .bls in your submission. You can put anything you want in there, but the things I want most are the builder(s)' name(s), environment settings, and the aforementioned mod names. You can also include other things, like funny things that happened while you were building it, general stats, how long it took you to build, etc.

Send submission emails to

Wait I am a confuse. How are the builds picked?
Good question! Here are some things I'll be looking for in the submissions

  • Originality in what you build
  • Originality in how you build
  • Creativity in how the bricks are used
  • Creativity in how the build is colored
  • Restraint in how many mods are used in your build (I'm biased)
  • The scale to a blockhead
  • The scope of what you've built
  • How recent the build is

Don't worry! These are not required guidelines, they are just additional things that would help a particular build rise to the top. Your build does not need a single one of these qualities to be picked as the build of the week, but I strongly encourage that you do some of them. Keep in mind, I'm expecting a stuffton of high quality builds from you guys, so I have to have some method of picking them. Even if I don't pick your build on the week that you submitted it, there's a good chance I'll get it the next week or the week after that. If I have to I'll make these videos biweekly so that all of the people who deserve recognition get it.


Pilot Episode
Week #1
Week #2
Week #3
« Last Edit: March 01, 2014, 11:00:52 PM by Treynolds416 »

wow treynolds you have like the perfect overview voice

 ldamn treynolds I love it, though I think you mispronounced sylvanor

I think I might end up submitting a build or two

You should do one of SPO castle!

there's the download.
it's all default bricks.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2014, 01:31:08 PM by Passta Soup »

i would definitely love to submit my Hollywood tower hotel but it uses a lot of addons and im not all that sure what all of them are. i could just PM you my entire addons folder but that would be really inconvenient. i couldnt really use the RTB addon finder thingamabob cos a lot are custom and some are not even RTB.

Too much honor :/

Yeah some things need to be redo and will probably in a v2.
I hope you liked the little hidden areas Sleven did!
I will submit you Utopia city once or will be done!

Ooooh interesting show idea

Defo support this. Great idea!

Now if only I had builds that are actually complete :v

I really like your voice man. Cool beans idea.

Also, first time I've heard my name in a video. ;_;
Too much honor

make more id like to discover new things =)


dont think thats how you pronounce it, i think it's:



dont think thats how you pronounce it, i think it's:



dont think thats how you pronounce it, i think it's:

This and I am pretty sure its