Author Topic: PM privileges removed?  (Read 4540 times)

that's not what he reported you for

[img ][/i mg]


I think the mystery was solved, gentlemen.

the other thing you sent me?
"oh no my feelings are hurt i have to report and block this person!"

Whats that Blue? You found a clue!?!?

straw berry lip gloss sunglasses from oakley high life fuji i wonder if youre lonely

"oh no my feelings are hurt i have to report and block this person!"
and whats stopping me from it?
you and others go out of your way to try to piss me off, I don't need people like you added.

"oh no my feelings are hurt i have to report and block this person!"

at least he doesnt stick around and be a punching bag like you


now im not surprised at all lol

at least he doesnt stick around and be a punching bag like you


so basically you send me this:

and expect me not to retaliate or say anything at all back to you?

and when i did you got so butthurt you reported me?

so basically you send me this:

and expect me not to retaliate or say anything at all back to you?

and when i did you got so butthurt you reported me?
yeah well that isn't really harassing?
It was from another topic because I said "Hi Tom" and then you started posting those unfunny stock images