Author Topic: Betel's up to it again...  (Read 25916 times)

ID 12369 is registered to Betel's original forums account, is that revoked too?

We already know? That was bound to happen.

what a loser
whoops posted a little early:

is he seriously wasting 10 dollars to make some stuffty joke

Never tell your password to anyone.
Sunday, April 13, 2014
5:32 PM - Raiden213: lol
5:32 PM - Raiden213: did you steal ravencrofts name
5:32 PM - Cca: no
5:32 PM - Raiden213: oh
5:32 PM - Raiden213: k
5:52 PM - Cca: did you take Betel's name?
5:52 PM - Raiden213: no?
5:52 PM - Cca: ok
5:52 PM - Raiden213: im pretty sure it was cheesemaster
5:52 PM - Cca: People said it was you
5:52 PM - Raiden213: he steaming me
5:52 PM - Raiden213: wat
5:53 PM - Cca: send me the chat
5:53 PM - Raiden213: how 2 take pics
5:53 PM - Raiden213: oh wait ill get a log
5:53 PM - Cca: just copy paste it
5:54 PM - Cca: Hey
5:54 PM - Cca: Gonna do it?
5:54 PM - Raiden213: im looking for the logs
5:55 PM - Raiden213: in fiel
5:55 PM - Cca: ok
5:55 PM - Raiden213: is it in
5:55 PM - Cca: in...
5:55 PM - Raiden213: the parental log?
5:55 PM - Cca: idk
5:58 PM - Raiden213: i think it might be in friends folder
5:58 PM - Cca: hurry up
6:00 PM - Raiden213: Cheesemaster55:look out Raideennn
Cheesemaster55: :333 :>
Raiden213:what are you doin
Cheesemaster55: :333 you wil seee it
Raiden213:Wtf is that you gay
Cheesemaster55: its not me
Raiden213: sure i know its you
Cheesemaster55:no i swear
Cheesemaster55: :3
6:00 PM - Raiden213: Raiden213: idk
Raiden213: k
Raiden213: keep the one with your original key up
Cheesemaster55: k
Cheesemaster55: mother forgeter
Cheesemaster55: time to reset steam password for
6:01 PM - Raiden213: saw him on a server then
6:01 PM - Raiden213: Cheesemaster55: yea
Cheesemaster55: i dont think it does
Raiden213: k
Cheesemaster55: like
Raiden213: then
Raiden213: double check
Raiden213: make sure your first key
Raiden213: is saved
Raiden213: wait
Cheesemaster55: what
Cheesemaster55: pretty sure it is
Cheesemaster55: lioke
6:01 PM - Raiden213: he told me on the autist thing
6:01 PM - Raiden213: idk
6:02 PM - Raiden213: he thinks its a glitch
6:02 PM - Raiden213: :P
6:03 PM - Cca: so... Cheese is Betelgeuese?
6:03 PM - Raiden213: i think so?
6:03 PM - Raiden213: yea
6:03 PM - Raiden213: im just guessing here but hes acting like
6:03 PM - Raiden213: it
6:03 PM - Cca: ok

Sunday, April 13, 2014
5:32 PM - Betel: give me the name back
5:32 PM - Cca: w0t
5:32 PM - Betel: yeah im not that dumb
5:32 PM - Betel: now gimme
5:33 PM - Cca: Elaborate
5:33 PM - Betel: okay then
5:33 PM - Cca: So you got a new BLID?

6:05 PM - Cca: Betel
6:05 PM - Cca: I think I found out who took your key
6:05 PM - Cca: I mean name
6:05 PM - Cca: Cheesemaster55
6:05 PM - Betel: who did
6:05 PM - Betel: cant be


6:06 PM - Cca: You're welcome
6:06 PM - Betel: welp
6:07 PM - Betel: sorry for pointing at you
6:07 PM - Betel: i was just angry
6:07 PM - Betel: i mean
6:07 PM - Betel: thinking you were one of them
6:07 PM - Cca: No problem. So what are you gonna do?
6:07 PM - Betel: theres nothing i can do really
6:07 PM - Betel: i just wanted to know who
6:08 PM - Cca: What about Raven's name
6:08 PM - Betel: idk
6:08 PM - Cca: You kinda got him revoked
6:08 PM - Cca: Do you feel anything about that?
6:08 PM - Betel: well
6:08 PM - Betel: he started it too
6:09 PM - Betel: we went in server together
6:09 PM - Betel: he would pretend to piss me off
6:09 PM - Betel: and i would pretend to flip stuff too
6:09 PM - Betel: so yeah
6:09 PM - Betel: he said hes not coming back tho
6:09 PM - Cca: I see
6:09 PM - Cca: Okay.

Darn.  Raven was kinda cool.  Kinda.

tbh that image made me crack up a bit

Betel isn't like that, he plays it cool. He wouldn't give two stuffs if he got revoked again, he'd just wait a while and buy a new one.