Author Topic: No reason banner  (Read 8202 times)

[im g][/img]
can't help but notice a little bit of hypocrisy here involving puns.
everyone goes and bashes snaked for making a pun and then a bunch of folks go and make another pun in precisely the same manner.
unless I see you two getting the stuff flamed out of you within the next two pages, I'm pretty sure attacking Snaked for the pun alone was uncalled for.
I think the whole back-and-forth should have ended around
Do what I do, use his old avatar.

because seriously that was kind of uncalled for, unless you plan on calling Zanaran and Bloukface stupid repeatedly as well.
After that though you basically handed Snaked a shovel and he kept on digging.

Anyways OP is so blatantly in the wrong that I'm pretty sure the only reason he isn't banned is Badspot is waiting to see what hilarity might play out in the topic.

nuh-uh, snaked didn't make a pun related to the topic title
still a pun based on a user's name, given the fact that someone brought up your name before the two puns were posted.

The main difference is that Snake's puns are never funny, and that he has this fantastic habit of derailing threads, as displayed on pages 2 & 3. He seriously has to ask a question about EVERY post.
By doing what?
And how did I do that?
By whom?

And then there's this pure gold
I don't derail them, people just come in and derail them then blame it on me.
"I didn't kill that man, he was just walking down the street and I shot him! Suddenly this is MY fault??"

forget this is why I hate half of you guys, you're all hypocrites

I personally think that pun I made was horrible.

I personally think that pun I made was horrible.

I appreciated it <3

The main difference is that Snake's puns are never funny, and that he has this fantastic habit of derailing threads, as displayed on pages 2 & 3. He seriously has to ask a question about EVERY post.
And then there's this pure gold"I didn't kill that man, he was just walking down the street and I shot him! Suddenly this is MY fault??"
I dunno, the pun was ok. The issue is that he kept on talking.
My point is that you don't jump on him for the pun. At least make that clear.

I dunno, the pun was ok. The issue is that he kept on talking.
My point is that you don't jump on him for the pun. At least make that clear.
Xalos is the only one complaining about the pun.
Speaking personally, I just don't find snake funny PERIOD. Pun, satire, joke, whatever, he's just really annoying and acts like a troll that's trying to make it last.

I've actually formed a sort of connection of sorts. Anytime snake posts, he tries to be funny, and it horribly backfires. Yet her persists, and when told to stop, he doesn't. In that respect, I think he enjoys the attention, regardless of being negative.


"No reason banner"

"No reason boner"

this very well could be a troll topic.

I still think this could very well be the case.

Someone needs to make a "no reason banner" remix.

forget this is why I hate half of you guys, you're all hypocrites

forget this is why I hate half of you guys, you're all hypocrites
This. Stop continuing the derail please. You found out the thread was derailed. No need to give it more fuel.

Arthur, you know you could have tried to rejoin the the server and take a picture of the ban message.

[im g][/img]
it's a jpg not a png