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  • Help wanted! I don't have time to work on Slayer. If you want bugfixes/features, lend a hand. Post in the thread if you're interested!
  • [2016/11/29] Slayer update released (p59). Lots of bug fixes.
  • [2016/12/23] Slayer update released (p60).
  • [2017/01/11] CTF updated! New events and more. (p60)

Author Topic: Slayer | New Bugfix Update  (Read 224875 times)

Well.......idk i got bored.

Sadly, I put more effort into the first one but it didn't really come out how I wanted

Its in vector format so I can always resize it.

That would work really well for the Start Game logo. Can you make it say "Advanced Game Mode System" instead of "that gamemode with teams", though?

I also added a small border.

I can add an inner shadow if you want.

Well.......idk i got bored.

Sadly, I put more effort into the first one but it didn't really come out how I wanted
The R in the first one looks weird. Probably because it's the only letter not in caps.

The R in the first one looks weird. Probably because it's the only letter not in caps.
it's a guy with a gun...

it's a guy with a gun...
Oh. Lol, I didn't see that. It'd be more noticeable if he had feet.

Oh. Lol, I didn't see that. It'd be more noticeable if he had feet.
OMG you had to say it. LOL. It originally had the feet but I took them out because they looked weird. I was seriously debating on keeping the feet, too. Maybe I'll have a go at remaking the first one but making it better(less anti-aliasing) and keepin them feets

it's a guy with a gun...
Yay he noticed! Although it does look a bit weird since it's a "lowercase R" O.o

If you're going for an objects as letters collage thing, you might be able to make the L into a guy sitting down with a flag, and the S into a long wavy banner coming off the flag.

If you're going for an objects as letters collage thing, you might be able to make the L into a guy sitting down with a flag, and the S into a long wavy banner coming off the flag.
I thought about doing something with the L but I couldn't think of anything good. Thanks for the idea. I'll whip up another logo after shower/food

friendly reminder that the slayer bots still don't work, ik you're still working on an update, just a reminder that that's one of the things that needs fixing

friendly reminder that the slayer bots still don't work, ik you're still working on an update, just a reminder that that's one of the things that needs fixing
I already fixed it :)

I already fixed it :)
oh sweet
you mean like for the next update or is it already updated? (on phone so can't check)

Wow, I was literally just about ask you about that. Awesome!