Author Topic: What's your favorite game development studio?  (Read 3921 times)

Bugbear, Chucklefish, Last Day of Work

Studio Ghibli game development branch.  :cookieMonster:

Valve, Riot, Media Molecule, Chucklefish, and Blizzard.

Looking Glass studios.
  • Original developers of Thief and System Shock
  • System Shock was directed by Ken Levine, who also directed Bioshock
  • Developers of Bioshock 2 also developed Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
  • Team that developed Dark Messiah also made Dishonored
They are the grandparents of PC gaming.

rareware before it was bought by microstuff

rareware before it was bought by microstuff

That sounds very familiar but I'm not remembering what they made.

it means suck my richard but it feels less insulting when I use the abbreviation

That sounds very familiar but I'm not remembering what they made.
conkers bad fur day
banjo kazooie

Valve, Game Freak, Nintendo, Mojang, and Chucklefish are among my favorites.

The worst? Look no further than Zynga and King.

Valve, Bohemia Interactive,  Swingin' Ape Studios, older Sega, Nintendo, and select parts of Activision
« Last Edit: April 21, 2014, 08:21:06 PM by Lusk »