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Author Topic: RuneScape Megathread - HARDCORE IRONMAN  (Read 171182 times)

i want to play this but i feel like i'm gonna suck
can anyone convince me + let me know what I should do first
you can't really "suck" at this game because it's mostly grind-based, but not entirely. while the main mechanic of grinding skills doesn't sound fun, the amount it pays off in the end and the amount of content you'll gradually be able to unlock makes up for it. it's definitely not a game for everyone, but I would just try it to see if it's your kind of thing.

i hate this quest so much

i was stuck down there for 25 minutes casting blast spells to weaken this big red friend, but it just wouldn't work. I ended up getting poisoned by his spiders, which made it increasingly hard to survive. I did bring an antipoison, but had to give it to a quest character along the way and didn't realize it took all 4 doses. After a while, I ran out of lobsters and then ran out of runes (wasted 200 loving death runes on chronozon), so I decided to try and use the lumbridge home tele, but because I was poisoned, the poison splash would interrupt the animation, causing the tele to cancel. I ultimately ended up safe and sound by running as fast as I could out of there and made it back to edgeville bank with 1 hitpoint. Looks like I'll have to come back to this later

why are you wearing full rune trying to cast magic lol

freek, are you actually casting magic in full loving rune
that's the worst thing you can do
wearing no armour is better

For reals, just run in there with nothing but some runes and an antipoison and mage him until he dies

yeah thats a good idea
i was told to bring armour for the fight so i assumed to just bring full rune idk why  im just dumb

yeah thats a good idea
i was told to bring armour for the fight so i assumed to just bring full rune idk why  im just dumb
thats why splashers wear full iron noob :p

you can't really "suck" at this game


i was stuck down there for 25 minutes casting blast spells to weaken this big red friend, but it just wouldn't work. I ended up getting poisoned by his spiders, which made it increasingly hard to survive. I did bring an antipoison, but had to give it to a quest character along the way and didn't realize it took all 4 doses. After a while, I ran out of lobsters and then ran out of runes (wasted 200 loving death runes on chronozon), so I decided to try and use the lumbridge home tele, but because I was poisoned, the poison splash would interrupt the animation, causing the tele to cancel. I ultimately ended up safe and sound by running as fast as I could out of there and made it back to edgeville bank with 1 hitpoint. Looks like I'll have to come back to this later

freek pls

Seriously, Freek?  Go back down with no armour, just have the protect from melee prayer on.  Tele out with a glory.  Simple.

Seriously, Freek?  Go back down with no armour, just have the protect from melee prayer on.  Tele out with a glory.  Simple.
i will eventually (probably today)

finally hit 1000 total level (RS3)
working on melee, and i'm almost able to get the combat 75 slayer master. anyone else abusing the falador event?

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