i hate this quest so much
i was stuck down there for 25 minutes casting blast spells to weaken this big red friend, but it just wouldn't work. I ended up getting poisoned by his spiders, which made it increasingly hard to survive. I did bring an antipoison, but had to give it to a quest character along the way and didn't realize it took all 4 doses. After a while, I ran out of lobsters and then ran out of runes (wasted 200 loving death runes on chronozon), so I decided to try and use the lumbridge home tele, but because I was poisoned, the poison splash would interrupt the animation, causing the tele to cancel. I ultimately ended up safe and sound by running as fast as I could out of there and made it back to edgeville bank with
1 hitpoint. Looks like I'll have to come back to this later