Author Topic: The obesity trend in America is amazing  (Read 7011 times)

not only that fat people aren't always defensive

i admit to being overweight because of my own mistakes

I hear being obese increases the risk for negative genetic mutations to develop which you risk passing onto your offspring. We have to stop the spread of bad genes.

It's not a disease. Diseases are contagious. Obesity is  just a really bad medical condition. However, I do agree that something should be done to prevent it.
Diseases are not contagious what the forget are you talking about.
disease: a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific signs or symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury.

Obesity is a really bad medical condition across the body, so Obesity is a disease. Get over yourself. I am not skinny, toned, or fat, but I do have a belly. I blame this on the hole that I made myself into the Tartarus of sitting on my ass all day, playing video games, and with a terrible social life, having no friends to go outside with.

Obesity in most occasions is in, the beginning, the person's fault: get trapped into stupid poop like video games [note: video games does not cause obesity] and anti-socialism. Then the hole they made is too hard to get out of, and the only apparent option (because of your fat forget laziness) is to continue digging, hoping you make your way to bloody China. You give into the junk food, but the only thing the people making the junk food care is getting $$$, and they give no stuffs if people are getting fat because of their products, so if people try to pass laws against them, their own fat-arsed-money-filled-pockets will pay to get representatives and senators to decide that junk food doesn't need any restrictions or taxes to warrant off people who gave in.

/end rant

To those who say Obese is not a disease:
Yes it is. The AMA said it is a disease, but hear me out, it is a disease caused because of the ill-practice of self-control. Same thing for smoking: you can get lung disease because you have no self-control (and are probably addicted) over smoking.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2014, 09:02:14 PM by Swat 3 »

i can eat a loving submersible and still be skinny
id probably be really fat if it weren't for my high metabolism

some overweight people legitimately have genetic problems

some overweight people legitimately have genetic problems
usually has to do with metabolism and how the body handles the storage and burning of fat

so yeah some cases are genetic but can still be solved with some medicine and hard work

what counts as obese?

anything beyond normal/average weight or like 50 pounds beyond normal/average weight?

So many people in American are trying to get skinny, I'm like the only one trying to fatten up.

woah California made a huge recovery.

is the surgeon general doing anything about this?

is the surgeon general doing anything about this?
he's obviously too busy launching of the fluoride vaccination needle missiles

Joke noted :C

Also I just noticed America got so fat they needed to add categories for percentages to the picture, lol.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2014, 10:36:01 PM by Swat 3 »

I think fat just doesn't work on me
I eat a stuff ton of food and I stay insanely skinny
Like I'm skinny enough I can see my loving ribcage