Author Topic: Kalphiter's latest and stupidest rant  (Read 33967 times)

so instead of fixing the stuff, we must adapt to the stuff?

well that's a great idea and all but we've been doing that the entire time
Adapt some more, crying for new updates won't help.

Think of it like this, the fix to your map is temporary until badspot fixes the bug.

Adapt some more, crying for new updates won't help.
nowhere in that post I was "crying for updates". not sure how you got that

and tbh we're really trying to adapt as much as possible. the concept is that if we were to get a few minor updates we could do some really awesome stuff. it helps to have a little experience in modding to understand btw

People once said that the name of Blockland should be changed, to just Block cause the land was taken out.

I highly disagreed.

But the name should be changed to Workaroundland.

People once said that the name of Blockland should be changed, to just Block cause the land was taken out.

I highly disagreed.

But the name should be changed to Workaroundland.


  • Administrator
Rising lava is a gamemode that works the same way it does in any other game.
Moving platform/physics challenge is something that flat out isn't possible yet in this game.
Good job being completely oblivious to my post.  Seriously.  Bravo, this is amazing.  I actually believe I'm talking to a wall.

There is no reason to be explaining this to me
I agree.  (this is a burn)

Okay, now it sounds like heed is trying to start a civil war with Badspot. That's like trying to deactivate a nuclear warhead by clawing at it with a pushpin.

Maybe you should find the old speedkart mod and do a diff vs my version.  Then compare the features, how well it works, maybe put the old version up on your dedicated server for a bit.   
too lazy for that so i'll take your word for it

Yes, any modder could stuff out some semblance of doors.  That happened and it was a nightmare.  Complications from JVS doors forgeted up the game for years.
if there was demand for better doors we would have made them ourselves. it wasn't that bad.

But you don't.  You just bitch until someone makes them for you and then you stuff on them. 

So I'm not allowed to contract things out?  This is what I'm talking about, you're unconcerned with actual progress - it's about me somehow.  This sounds like you guys have some kind of father abandonment issues and you need me to be there working for you. 
I was under the impression that you were the main developer. The updates you promised post-v21 would be your job to implement, you being the main developer. Yet actual developments by you are very little, leading us to believe that the promised updates aren't even in progress.

come on people, Badspot is right, torque is VERY outdated, there are a lot of things you simply cannot do with such outdated tech and it's not reasonable to ask him to completely rewrite portions of an engine he didn't even design in order to do these things, I wouldn't have a clue where to even start with a task like that

which is why he probably won't be adding terrains/interiors back in, it'd take a lot of effort and it wouldn't attract any new users, just some of the old ones who already bought the game (ergo no additional income and more master server strain)

on top of that you're essentially asking someone to do this incredibly involved and difficult task without compensating them, that would be like asking someone to remodel your entire kitchen while refusing to pay them a dime for it

all that aside, I would like to know if he would do this if given the incentive ($$$$)

also what issues did JVS doors cause, anyways? I never had any noticable problems from them

Quote from: takato14 link=topic=258434.msg7566421#msg7566421

also what issues did JVS doors cause, anyways? I never had any noticable problems from them

badspot said one of the reasons they were replaced is because they used 13 events to open a door.

which makes sense I guess, but with more events like that it opens up more doors (no pun intended) for customization.

come on people, Badspot is right, torque is VERY outdated, there are a lot of things you simply cannot do with such outdated tech and it's not reasonable to ask him to completely rewrite portions of an engine he didn't even design in order to do these things, I wouldn't have a clue where to even start with a task like that
get a new engine :cookieMonster:
don't kill me, i'm joking

Good job being completely oblivious to my post.  Seriously.  Bravo, this is amazing.  I actually believe I'm talking to a wall.
I agree.  (this is a burn)

your post is about how players should, instead of waiting for you to update, work with what they have. you presented a possible solution to a problem caused by technical limitations (water being a flat plane) and ways to make a 'boring' gamemode more fun. you talk about taking an idea and altering it so it works within the game's restrictions.

The difference between what you're describing and what i'm describing is that I am not dependent upon the features I am requesting. I am not boycotting the game because a certain feature isn't in place. All of my gamemodes already work around the plethora of problems this game has. I have created a custom playertype with jump time restrictions to attempt to work around cornerjumping; it's not perfect, but it helps. I've created a teleport relay that warps me around the map so I can get around the lack of a saveBricks(); command and save faster. there is a dediload script out there that requires a bit of a file moving, but allows people to load bricks faster. we HAVE been working around this stuff and working with limitations, and we've been doing it for years.

There isn't any game that allows people to do everything. There isn't any developer that puts in every single feature a person requests. It's unrealistic to expect EVERYTHING suggested to make it into the game. But it's certainly not unrealistic to expect engine changes after a developer says that "We can make incremental changes and get big improvements in the short term" and "Not having to deal with interiors + terrains makes it a lot easier to make brick and vehicle physics really good."
So I'm not allowed to contract things out?  This is what I'm talking about, you're unconcerned with actual progress - it's about me somehow.  This sounds like you guys have some kind of father abandonment issues and you need me to be there working for you. 
Except you're the only one who can actually update the damn engine, how many times has this been said. Of course people are going to want you working there because unlike sumz and rotondo and all of them, YOU are the only one with the ability to modify the source-code to this game.
numerous times the developers have said that switching to a modern engine wouldn't benefit/improve the game. therefore, it must still be possible to do everything you think they can't do on an older engine.

And no, I don't believe you owe me or the community anything. We bought the game and enjoyed it for however long we did.
But we could've enjoyed it longer if you'd have stuck with what you personally said, Badspot, as well as Kompressor.

Quote from: kompressor
These two features complicate Blockland’s code tremendously. That means we can’t add game features very quickly. They still have bugs in them (after years of work). They are slow, too - bricks are about 90% of their speed and can do a LOT more (explosions, events, in-game editing).

And I'm not sure where your quote is, but you did state that you wanted to get the game into a state where add-on developers could take care of the game.

This cannot happen if you constantly stuff on add-on devs. It's not that we're expecting you to make everything we ask for. We're expecting you to take care of your game. We're giving you ideas and directions to go in, not demands.

But after so many empty promises, bad implementations, and months of nothing but drama (seriously, delete this section), people tend to lose hope in a game.